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Posts posted by DeviousAngel

  1. you see the only one that I dont have a decent base for is the adolescent female. I like the position that she is currently in but I have to make it like there was no base design you know? The first image is the adult female. I have the lines for the baby male and female as well as the base for the adolescent male and adult male. the adolescent  female one it seems is the one that I have to make the most changes on. Below are the lines of the

    [1] Adolescent Male Ruhtel.png

    [1] Female Ruhtel Hatchling.png

    [1] Male Ruhtel Hatcling.png

  2. I am still going through and making edits to the designs that are being used. I have been working on this for near three years now. The dragon above is my own design though some more edits will be used to make it nothing like the one listed above that. Art isnt something that can be rushed and I am the only one working on it.

  3. This is a dragon breeding game as well as an adventure game.

    It allows you to collect familiars as well as items for crafting.

    There are different levels and rarities that you can find throughout the game.

    There are various markings and mutations that can be found as well.


    I am currently looking for some coders that can help me

    Arcane Ruhtel.png

    Air Ruhtel.png

    View full game

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