What is your art program of choice?

I use a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator on most of the stuff I draw. I like Illustrator for the vectors, it makes lining a lot easier than in Photoshop. I prefer Photoshop for sketching because of the way pixels fade into the background (makes it easier for me to sketch out shapes personally). 

I chose Adobe programs because that's all I know. Had a Photoshop class when I was 12 and have been using them ever since.

I like Illustrator for the vectors, it makes lining a lot easier than in Photoshop. I prefer Photoshop for sketching because of the way pixels fade into the background (makes it easier for me to sketch out shapes personally). 
So, you sketch it out in Photoshop, then do the final lines in Illustrator? Why'd I never think of that one? (To be honest - I feel lost most of the time in Adobe products. I know enough to get in trouble on a good day) :)

So, you sketch it out in Photoshop, then do the final lines in Illustrator? Why'd I never think of that one? (To be honest - I feel lost most of the time in Adobe products. I know enough to get in trouble on a good day) :)
Yeah =D And then back to Photoshop for color. I know Photoshop pretty well, but not Illustrator. They are hard to learn. When I took graphic design, most of the other students were good in Photoshop but dreaded Illustrator, so that one's a trick for people. I think the switch from raster to vector really confuses artists who've never used it. But yeah, Adobe programs in general take some time to get used to XD

Oh man. I'm definitely a Paint Tool SAI lover. Sometimes I bounce over to Photoshop if I need some certain effects or a neat background or text. Sometimes I hop onto Clip Studio Paint for comics. SAI's my one true love though. The stabilizer is my best friend-- my hands shake constantly. I couldn't make an actual smooth line without it on a tablet. All my stuff would be all wiggly. If I had a cintiq or something where I could draw directly on the screen I wouldn't need it but I'm so used to SAI now I don't think I'll ever part with it. It's also only about $60 for a permanent copy? What a steal when you're on a budget.

I use Adobe Photoshop for my paintings. I tried out several other programs, but I never really got into using them. I also use Photoshop because I sometimes work on web and graphic design, so it's just easier for me to use a program for most/all my work. Beats having to relearn programs haha. 

I use Sai for just about everything. I love lining art on Sai, because it makes the lines smooth. Even when you're just starting out with digital art, you can achieve crisp lines on Sai. One drawback on Sai is that it doesn't save transparent PNGs (or other file types), so I have to save a PSD and then take it over to GIMP or Photoshop to make the image transparent. It also has a very annoying glitch that prevents you from saving a SAI file after you open a PSD (then you can only save images as PSDs). This is bothersome when I want to save a file as SAI to preserve a line art layer. Once the file is no longer a SAI file, you can't edit the line art layer with the pen tool; it becomes a normal layer.

I use Photoshop for other edits like moving a group of layers together (I don't believe Sai has that ability) and deleting white backgrounds from images. I want to learn how to use Illustrator, but I haven't had the need for it yet, so I've just been sticking to what I know.

I'm just stuck on Adobe Photoshop. I've tried other options, but they've either turned out too frustrating, too "janky", or it literally just doesn't work on my laptop. (unsolvable pen pressure issues, refuses to open at all, crashes in like... 5 seconds)

I do everything on Photoshop though. Digital work, photo touch-ups for friends (eugh), small graphic stuff.
Is all good. //thumbs up!


Oh wow that's so odd! I don't have any of those problems with SAI. I can save a transparent png in SAI anytime and have never experienced that glitch. Are you positive you have the latest version? I couldn't save a transparent png until I got the full latest version instead of the demo.

Mostly Clip Studio Paint, for sketching, coloring, everything. 

For animations I'm using Photoshop, and also for some finishing touches/filters. 

Photoshop CC 2015 is what I use. 

It really is very good, especially the ability to get some very good plugins to go alongside your Workspace. I really enjoy a lot of features in CC and I feel like the control is a lot better? I mean I did jump from CS2 to CC so I guess it feels like a whole new world?

Oh interesting, I went back from CC to CS6, I didn't need any of the CC features and I don't like the idea of renting a program, I rather own it :)

And I don't want nor need clouds. 

@Shex No I completely understand that reasoning! I don't use that Cloud feature, whatever it is for! 

However I do rent 3ds Max so I am used to 'renting' the program. Seems like art programs are going down the route of renting rather than paying outright nowadays!

Using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 myself!

Then again I came from using a long line of Photoshop programs... Since CS2 through CS6.

Only life-saving features? Rotate Canvas (R) and the backup saves in case something happened to your computer while you worked on something.

//edit: ... for some reason i thought i haven't posted here before. good job jak. good job.

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Although technically i'm not an artist I have Adobe Photoshop CS6 installed on my laptop for editing graphics that I may be using - only simple things like recolouring or resizing though.
