What feature do you feel is the hardest feature to develop?


New member
From a technical standpoint, what is the hardest feature to develop for your game, and why do you feel that way?

From experience, the feature I found difficult at first was a Human Avatar/Dress up feature - after doing that anything else seemed easy in comparison.

Working with built in PHP libraries like GD and Imagemagik.

Once I've finished putting together the tutorial for Phaser I'll think about doing one for this.
Ah, I figured as much. I also have experience with Imagemagick myself, so can help put something together. My experience has been in color tinting and merging layers from a psd together.

I would have to agree. Image coloring and layering can be really complex especially of the layering system itself is complex(lots of layers). There are plenty of things that are tedious to code, but not really hard. I think the most difficult thing I've run into is doing interface stuff sometimes. Trying to make things work fluidly, making sure they're touch optimized, intuitive, work in major browsers and don't break in weird edge cases. Biggest headache but it's super satisfying when it's perfect. :)  

Image coloring and layering can be really complex especially of the layering system itself is complex(lots of layers).
This, especially if you are dealing with different blending of different layers, things can get messy really fast.

There are plenty of things that are tedious to code, but not really hard.
I totally agree, I have forgotten how many times I had to write a DbContext class -.-  (It's used in EntityFramework for .NET, if you want DB access, you write one, and it's all boilerplate for most cases)

I think the most difficult thing I've run into is doing interface stuff sometimes. Trying to make things work fluidly, making sure they're touch optimized, intuitive, work in major browsers and don't break in weird edge cases. Biggest headache but it's super satisfying when it's perfect. :)  
I agree, however I can honestly admit I am one of those really, really, crazy developers who absolutely love to integrate front end. Give me a backend and give me a frontend, and I am in love.  :love:


Sometimes I forget the brackets in BBCode... 



Well, I tried to learn PHP and Ruby and tried to think about all features I want for my game and how I could code them and came to the conclusion that to me it is the hardest to think about breeding mechanisms, taking information about color from parents, coming up with percentages of markings and stuff, because there's tons of stuff to think about and code. 

I LOVE working with Imagick and the GD library. The first time around though, I did find it extremely frustrating. I started messing with it about 7 years ago (geez.. where has the time gone...), but now it comes second nature to me.

The feature I find super hard is making a super interactive battle system. The formulas for attack and defense and just trying to find a good formula to work with that makes it not too easy, but not impossible to win. It's more of the logic that gives me a huge road block and not so much the code for it though.

The hardest feature for me is always any payment system, especially if I'm offering localised payment (i.e. you pay in USD if you're in the US instead of GBP or whatever). It's hard because you have to deal with sensitive financial figures (so BigDecimal-esque) which cannot be inaccurate at any point (Floats are not accurate, don't use them) to avoid "off by one" errors.

You also have to handle the exchange rate conversion, store all the relevant data, and do it all in a format that allows you to sort your books out at the end of the financial year. It's a lot of work. :(
I've never really done anything behind PayPal and IPN integration. It does sound like it could be a headache though.

I LOVE working with Imagick and the GD library. The first time around though, I did find it extremely frustrating. I started messing with it about 7 years ago (geez.. where has the time gone...), but now it comes second nature to me.

The feature I find super hard is making a super interactive battle system. The formulas for attack and defense and just trying to find a good formula to work with that makes it not too easy, but not impossible to win. It's more of the logic that gives me a huge road block and not so much the code for it though.
I've only very lightly dabbled in a battle system but luckily the algorithms were already done - otherwise I think I would of struggled.

The hardest feature for me is always any payment system, especially if I'm offering localised payment (i.e. you pay in USD if you're in the US instead of GBP or whatever). It's hard because you have to deal with sensitive financial figures (so BigDecimal-esque) which cannot be inaccurate at any point (Floats are not accurate, don't use them) to avoid "off by one" errors.

You also have to handle the exchange rate conversion, store all the relevant data, and do it all in a format that allows you to sort your books out at the end of the financial year. It's a lot of work. :(
I agree. Working professionally in the commerce field with point of sale retain systems (just in the states) I can say it is a nightmare. Tax codes here are a mess considering they are not remotely normalized. Going international would only add to it.

The easiest way to handle financial data is in the form of full integer and do away with any form of decimal. It is then easier to calculate into any currency accordingly.
