What competitions or creative events have you tried out for?


New member
Just wondering how many of our  @Artist and  @Writer have ever tried out for any competitions or events with their skills? What was it about? How did you do? Was it fun? Would you do it again?

I haven't tried competitions before but it's something I would definitely be inclined to do @Digital!

if anyone knows of good ones coming up let me know please that would be awesome ?

ive entered in a few art competitions before! won a couple of ribbons when i was younger, and ive entered art contests on DA for arpg related creatures before and done okay in those. I'd like to enter more larger scale competitions, though. for example there was a kaiju design contest hosted by my  inspiration, Terryl Whitlatch and i couldn't enter due to lack of time. still kicking myself!

I am currently prepping for my first comic con on Friday. However, mostly betting on bringing watercolour originals since I'm stuck with a slightly busted Graphics Tablet right now.
