VPL has returned!

I liked VPL, but I am also bitter that it just disappeared (the last thing I remember was a promise that it would be back "next month") and then I just never heard of it again and it never came back. I actually had some losses, I bought stuff and didn't have email communication with the sellers so it was just gone.

Just coming back with no explanation is the biggest turn-off for me.

Also, I came to VPL from gamefruit, to which I found from ProSim Union :P

I liked VPL, but I am also bitter that it just disappeared (the last thing I remember was a promise that it would be back "next month") and then I just never heard of it again and it never came back. I actually had some losses, I bought stuff and didn't have email communication with the sellers so it was just gone.

Just coming back with no explanation is the biggest turn-off for me.

Also, I came to VPL from gamefruit, to which I found from ProSim Union :P
Then your scenario is a bit more understandable to me as you actually suffered a loss. So sorry to hear that, Shex! Also, adorable art!

He said he had trouble paying for servers back when it went down, so I sent some donations and offered help (I had been donating for years). He got pretty mad at me and to this day I don't really understand why. It was out of the blue. 

I don't think anyone's out to trash him here. If he wants to reach out and help the community or give us a reason to trust him again, he can. 

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I was a member of VPL, its how i found Solpets and now i've been an artist for them for a couple years. i was also able to find other freelance jobs from their site.

with that said i have no interest in going back to VPL. how the site went down and was promised to come back up but never did kinda turned me off from them. I had contacts from people who i now have no way of knowing because the site went down with no warning.

I found TGL on my own, after VPL went down i search for pet site forums and it came up.
I've also have suggest TGL to others as well because i feel its better
I like TGL, i like the staff, i like the structure of the forums, and everyone is generally more friendly and helpful.

I was a member of VPL, its how i found Solpets and now i've been an artist for them for a couple years. i was also able to find other freelance jobs from their site.

with that said i have no interest in going back to VPL. how the site went down and was promised to come back up but never did kinda turned me off from them. I had contacts from people who i now have no way of knowing because the site went down with no warning.

I found TGL on my own, after VPL went down i search for pet site forums and it came up.
I've also have suggest TGL to others as well because i feel its better
I like TGL, i like the staff, i like the structure of the forums, and everyone is generally more friendly and helpful.
Either way it would be a good idea to keep an eye out there for people you might have lost contact with! Maybe you can reconnect :)

Carlos treated me in a very bad manner just because i was a kid , @martyn knows the drama that he created i really hate him and TGL raised without any help from cpvr or VPL , digital advertised on other communities with facebook pages and helped the community to gather again.

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Carlos treated me in a very bad manner just because i was a kid , @martyn knows the drama that he created i really hate him and TGL raised without any help from cpvr or VPL , digital advertised on other communities with facebook pages and helped the community to gather again.
Sorry to hear you hate him, not sure if what he did to you justifies hating him especially if you haven't interacted with him for ~3 years, but hopefully in time your heart can heal. :(  ?

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Sorry to hear you hate him, not sure if what he did to you justifies hating him especially if you haven't interacted with him for ~3 years, but hopefully in time your heart can heal. :(  ?
It won't heal , he have stolen my first virtual pet game which i programmed very delicately...and i request you to stop splitting the member of TGL community by advertising that website here , please remove the VPL link from your signature...it's not a fair thing to advertise that community here , admin and staff of TGL are being so nice to you and allowed you to discuss about VPL but it doesn't mean you would start promoting and advertising VPL here ? .. so it would be nice of you to stop branding VPL here or else i would.....

And i remind you that this thread doesn't wall under the category of game development section because VPL is not a game so i request staff member to lock out this thread.

"General game development discussions, really the mixed bag covering a wide range of topics from game design, to feature development, to specific concepts."

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I offered to host it for free or to buy it when it went down. I was sorry to see it go but if there's no content there's no reason to return and I would worry about it just disappearing again. It's also really disappointing that not only I but other people as well offered to keep it open and it still went down.

I was happy to see TGL pop up in it's absence and some of my old friends ended up here as well.

It won't heal , he have stolen my first virtual pet game which i programmed very delicately...and i request you to stop splitting the member of TGL community by advertising that website here , please remove the VPL link from your signature...it's not a fair thing to advertise that community here , admin and staff of TGL are being so nice to you and allowed you to discuss about VPL but it doesn't mean you would start promoting and advertising VPL here ? .. so it would be nice of you to stop branding VPL here or else i would.....

And i remind you that this thread doesn't wall under the category of game development section because VPL is not a game so i request staff member to lock out this thread.

"General game development discussions, really the mixed bag covering a wide range of topics from game design, to feature development, to specific concepts."
Carlos has never owned a game, so please prove this is the case as I am genuinely confused.

Also, in case you did not see the original post, I am not the one who created this thread and admins have been partaking in discussion as well. If this topic is off-topic then they can move it to another more suitable part of the forum, that is not my responsibility just to be clear with you.

As Tinkerbell has said (and I agree with her), VPL does not have to be seen as competition, and nobody has to choose one over the other. At the very least, it is good for the community to have a contingency plan in case TGL itself ends up vanishing one day, or VPL again for that matter.

In fact, VPL inspired TGL the other day. Judda signed up on VPL and then made pretty much a copy of the thread on this forum:



This isn't a big deal to me, what I am saying is that I don't think the admins here see VPL as competition, but rather as a source of inspiration, and that is totally fine! It's the same thing pet sites in general do.

This is one of the very few actually active discussion threads on the site at the moment, but you want to shut it down because you don't like cpvr. Like I said, I hope your heart will heal some day and you can move forward peacefully. ?

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Carlos has never owned a game, so please prove this is the case as I am genuinely confused.

Also, in case you did not see the original post, I am not the one who created this thread and admins have been partaking in discussion as well. If this topic is off-topic then they can move it to another more suitable part of the forum, that is not my responsibility just to be clear with you.

As Tinkerbell has said (and I agree with her), VPL does not have to be seen as competition, and nobody has to choose one over the other. At the very least, it is good for the community to have a contingency plan in case TGL itself ends up vanishing one day, or VPL again for that matter.

In fact, VPL inspired TGL the other day. Judda signed up on VPL and then made pretty much a copy of the thread on this forum:



This isn't a big deal to me, what I am saying is that I don't think the admins here see VPL as competition, but rather as a source of inspiration, and that is totally fine! It's the same thing pet sites in general do.

This is one of the very few actually active discussion threads on the site at the moment, but you want to shut it down because you don't like cpvr. Like I said, I hope your heart will heal some day and you can move forward peacefully. ?
As you are looking for the proof i would like you to read out one thread regarding my game from page 3 to the last page , it include all proof like screenshot of what he did with me and his drama which he created. 

-> http://www.mysidiaadoptables.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5248&page=3

No Judda didn't copied VPL , it is so rude of you to say like that...it is a common question which can be raised up in any virtual pet gaming community so i request you to refrain from accusing them like this.

you are good to continue a healthy debate regarding vpl.

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@SilverBrick Let the staff determine what is and isn't allowed. You have already voiced your opinion and we heard in other platforms as well.  You cannot tell other members of the community to do. 

Backseat moderating is currently not a rule either, but it is very frowned upon in all forum communities. We are still a new team and working on our new plans/guidelines to be released soon. It should help make things more clear for these types of situations and others in the future.


All this being said, we understand there are a LOT of heated feelings (either opposed or for) the VPL community in general, but let's keep it civil. It got a little touchy earlier then cooled down, let's keep it cooled down like professionals.

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@SilverBrick Let the staff determine what is and isn't allowed. You have already voiced your opinion and we heard in other platforms as well.  You cannot tell other members of the community to do. 

Backseat moderating is currently not a rule either, but it is very frowned upon in all forum communities. We are still a new team and working on our new plans/guidelines to be released soon. It should help make things more clear for these types of situations and others in the future.


All this being said, we understand there are a LOT of heated feelings (either opposed or for) the VPL community in general, but let's keep it civil. It got a little touchy earlier then cooled down, let's keep it cooled down like professionals.
Edited my post and i didn't had intention to do backseat moderating.

I am kind of curious about these posts and if anyone else knows. Did the laptop remain stolen for 3 whole years? Also why was there no explanation on what exactly happened. Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook for all purposes were essentially dead for that time period. Why was there no message sent out as to what was going on?

Virtual Pet List

April 24, 2017 ·

Hello fellow VPL users,

Martyn here, I want to help you understand what has been happening with the Facebook page in the recent few weeks/months.

To my understanding Cpvrs laptop had been stolen and some of the postings may have been from the person who took the laptop, but it could have also been him himself. Either way, there has been a major clean up of the page and we hope to post content more aligned with the Virtual Pet Site community soon.

Stick around and hopefully we'll be back up soon!

Thank you for sticking with us!

- Martyn

Virtual Pet List

April 14, 2017 ·

I'm well aware of the server still being down. My laptop and social & debit were all stolen from me.

We will be back soon

Virtual Pet List

March 22, 2017 ·

Vpl will be back up next month. In the past, I was focusing on too many things at one time. Now, Ima focus on one thing at a time. I promise, vpl will return on 4/03. Yes, all of our data is safe. Please bare with us! Thank you everyone for your support. We love ya'll!❤ -cpvr

I doubt that the laptop was returned at all - but he would have had access to other stuff just maybe not backups which is why it's back to square one.

I don't trust it to not just disappear again when things or his personal life gets tough again. I don't plan on going back. At a minimum he could have posted on other social media platforms why they were having issues and where they needed help. I sent multiple messages with offers to pay for hosting (or buy the whole site) and I never got a response from him so the whole "we can't pay for the host thing so they took down our entire site" seems pretty BS of an answer to me.

It's very BS because I know he was offered free hosting for a long time, so yeah I am not a fan.  Especially when he comes back and gives no details.  I personally have signed up to get my username, but that's about all.

I don't see myself going back to VPL.  It's hard to trust that it won't go down again.  I'm also not a fan of what Silver-Brick went through (I'm a Mysidia Adoptables forum member and saw what was posted there), taking advantage of a kid like that.  I'm grateful to the leader and mods here for keeping the community together and will stick by this one. 

I don't see myself going back to VPL.  It's hard to trust that it won't go down again.  I'm also not a fan of what Silver-Brick went through (I'm a Mysidia Adoptables forum member and saw what was posted there), taking advantage of a kid like that.  I'm grateful to the leader and mods here for keeping the community together and will stick by this one. 
Super unfortunate and annoying what he did with Silverbrick.

Gotta say, I used to lurk VPL a lot years ago and enjoyed discovering new vp sites and just groaning at vp dramas. When I found it was back last year, I was kinda shocked. And now, it seems to be gone again for about a month now. I have no clue as to why, but it was giving "account suspended" redirects, indicating some kinda issue between the webhost and the site. Now it's just it can't be reached. Kinda sad to see. I'm glad I found this site, as my husband and I are starting to create a vp mmo and I enjoy burrying myself in vp content to get inspired or motivated to do the art. I hope to see it again, as it was a big part of my early life even if all I did was lurk.
