I have lived many years of my life in, now, 3 different countries, and it's safe to say I don't see myself as from one nationality, but I currently see myself "of the whole world".
I'm not from USA, neither I have ever lived there, so whatever I say next might be wrong or outdated, I apologise in advance.
I would seriously love to give this guy a chance, I am a very open minded person, but from his presidential run, I saw he was a complete lost cause, I'm afraid.
People have described him as a spoiled toddler, but I see him as a spoiled, rich adult. A kid wouldn't have the consciousness and knowledge of what he's doing and what his actions would cause unless they were grown-ups.
Ok, the ONLY good thing I can say about him is that he's really thinking about the USA and his citizens first. But we need to remember we're in the 21st century now, I have a strong belief, and I'm not the only person thinking this, that all the countries and politicians need to work together in these dire times.
We're, after all, on the same planet Earth.
But even then, he's left lots to be desired. What with complaining about a judge saying his views were biased because he was Mexican (when same judge was born in the USA and of USA citizenship), or expecting to deport all Muslims back to their Islamic countries.
Ok, that mentioned judge had really Mexican heritage, BUT he had worked to catch Mexican drug cartels, so that excludes the biased views.
And ok, he might be scared about terrorism, BUT again, come on, people that really think that every Muslim is dangerous because a few were crazy idiots, then they are narrow-minded and need to go learn some more of the world.
And the things he's said about blacks, like
“I think the guy is lazy,” ... “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” (This quote could be false, but alas, I can really see him saying this kind of stuff I'm afraid ?)
Yes, people could say that by removing every Mexican or black person or Muslim in the country could make the USA more safe (since, funny enough, apparently they cause the majority of crimes in the USA ??

) But that will then just be a short-term solution.
Who knows what ingenuous feats terrorists in the future will create to enter the country if they can't cause a person from the inside to do their biddings. Fly there? Send a missile? Brainwash the 'white people'?
Or what will they say, what excuses will they tell the public, when crime rates are not decreasing when there are no more foreigners to give the fault to?
*sigh* I can totally see them saying that that latest robber magically had some kind of Mexican heritage, or that rapist used to live in a black family.
And let's not start on all the deregoratory things he's said about women, or his bone-crushing and awkward handshake with the Chinese president, or the stuff on Climate change.
Or, when asked if he would comdemn Duke (KKK's late leader) Trump said that he didn't know anything about white supremacists or Duke. Like, seriously? ??
And when he said that climate change was a hoax and invented from China. And that later - MUCH later - on he said he was joking about it (a very bad way of stepping back in my opinion ?).
Well, joking or not, he still retreated from the Paris agreement on climate change.
The non-controlled use of energy will really boost the economy, he said.
Ok, fair enough, climate change will just affect planet Earth, no problem.
Uh.... wait? The USA is also on planet Earth?! Blimey, I had no idea ?
He really believes climate change is a lie, but even if those melting iceberg, those increases in storms, and those sky rocketing temperatures are not enough to convince him, every President, or political leader, worth his salt would seriously think about issues brought up by their scientists and experts.
Whether it's a lie or not, he should undergo procedures to make sure climate change will really remain a lie, and not just laugh it off and hope for the best.
I don't think I will ever support him or be happy with him.
Again, some American people I have talked with were happy with him as president, so I'm happy for them, truly.
I just wonder how long that happiness will last.