Views on the current American President


New member
So, I am sure this is a good controversial topic that most of the world can probably have a lot of fun with, and I want to keep it fun and well, open to ideas and discussion.

Donald Trump is currently the President of the United States, and has had a horrible start to his run. There are current headed debates as to whether he should be allowed to continue to run, or whether he should be removed form office via impeachment.

With his views, which are less then liberal or even in some cases human, and his war-gesturing towards North Korea and the Middle East, tell me - should he be removed? What do me fellow Americans think of this, and what do those of you who live outside of the States think?

As a Brit, I follow this topic on and off but.. I do read his Twitter from time to time (I don't think it's a good idea he has one) and I'm currently reading up about the whole Russia scandal and the buzz word seems to be 'Impeachment' at the moment.

To be honest, as much as the media and left has pushed and called for impeachment, there really hasn't been evidence that he's done anything wrong/illegal. I don't like Trump but I want him to succeed because he's my president.

There hasn't been any evidence linking Trump's campaign to Russia, and there are new claims that the DNC wikileaks situation came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter and not from a Russian hacker. Assange has asserted from the beginning that the Russians weren't behind the leak, and take what you will but he is one of the very few people who actually knows the identity of the leaker. 

As far as the Comey firing, again I think it's a little overblown. Comey did a LOT of things wrong over the last year and both parties have called for him to be fired multiple times. Despite apparently telling Trump he was no longer under investigation with regards to Russia he would not publicly say so. I can see where that would piss Trump off enough to fire him because for as long as the Russia investigation continues Trump looks bad and guilty even if he isn't. I think Trump went about it very stupidly but that just speaks to him being unpracticed politically.

No one is really presenting these situations in their actuality, and everything I've seen is LOADED with bias one way or the other to push an agenda and taint impressions and conclusions.

No one is really presenting these situations in their actuality, and everything I've seen is LOADED with bias one way or the other to push an agenda and taint impressions and conclusions.
This has been my problem with media so far on any topic regarding anything to do with the current state of politics. Every article is full of opinion and supposition, nothing of any real substance or factual basis. Every order or act he has signed has been reported with media reports blowing them out of proportion compared to their legal representations or what they actually are. Report on the facts, stop with the wild accusations and opinions.

I believe Trump is arguably an idiot, not necessarily a stupid idiot, but he does things without thinking them through, and I feel he lacks the staff with the experience to navigate this trait of his. His twitter usage is also just plain drama.

He is our President, and was elected as one legally. I would like him to do great things, and I think he can, but to do that I think everyone else needs to agree that he is actually our President and stop the stupid infighting and you know... maybe actually get to work like the rest of us working folk? We need our House and Senate to stop following the media agencies everyday, and actually start conducting their daily business.

This has been my problem with media so far on any topic regarding anything to do with the current state of politics.
This is what has my concern even more than Trump at this point. Media outlets shamelessly releasing articles that directly contradict each other, so one of them is lying but both are pointing the finger at the other and screaming fake news. Nothing is about the facts anymore, and no one seems to be thinking logically anymore. It's all buzz words and anything to pander to their party and it's just worsening the political/idealogical divide. It REALLY concerns me whenever I hear about politically driven violence and the free speech vs. antifa clashes in Berkeley because to be honest I don't see another way for this divide to resolve. Either one side folds peacefully or it'll be civil war and in either situation we lose idealogical diversity in a really profound way. 

I actually like Trump. The last time a non-lawyer or politician became President was when Reagan was in office... which was, mind you, back in 1981 to 1989 and the things he did were the best ever for this country. People booed and hated him, but he turned out to do far more good than anyone had in generations! 

I'm giving Trump a chance and to be honest, I don't trust what the news and all that says. They are so one sided that they never tell the whole story and will do anything to make him look bad. Nearly all the stuff that happened during his campaign was blown way out of proportions and what the news never said was that majority of the chaos and outbursts were people who opened admitted they got paid for acting like children and protesting something they themselves didn't understand. 

Right, all I can say is that I thank the lucky stars that neither Berny or Hillery got in because we'd be so messed up right now and heading down to our deaths faster than we could imagine. If you didn't realize, Berny's plan and ideation is exactly the same way Russia is run... and look how they are doing, it's not nice to live over there and people disappear every day for the stupidest of reasons. If they don't like you, you're gone. They did it before and it never truly went away. Plus, majority of the country there is actually in poverty because they receive little to no actual government support. The Government over there runs all and makes sure no one can survive without their help. Hillery wanted to continue Obama's reign which was the worst thing known to man. I ever knew was flipped upside down and instead of owing small amounts for debts, it nearly doubled or tripped. He caused so much financial ruin it's unbelievable. 

So yes, I support Trump until he gives me a reason not to.

No one is really presenting these situations in their actuality, and everything I've seen is LOADED with bias one way or the other to push an agenda and taint impressions and conclusions.
Agreed with everything here. This was my thoughts on Comey as well. 

I would like to see less reference to political parties in the news. You hear things like 'the Republicans want this' or 'Democrats did this' when they could be saying 'this is what some people want or did.' News medias are having a blast with these political parties, it's like sports teams these days. 

Except it's not sports. It's serious social and economical issues, life or death matters, people, and our country. 

I don't like Trump, never did. He's narcissistic and has a history of blatantly ripping people off. Doesn't care about who he rips off in his persuits no matter how trivial his own gains are and how high the stakes are for the people he steps on.

I agree with you @Hare The media just likes playing games and treats things that should be important like it was sunday night football or something. 

Also, the news is annoying to me. They used to neutral, but now they all swing one way or the other so one channel nags on the other all the time. And still, I swear, it seems like 90% of the news is negative so I end up yelling at the tv sooner or later... why would I need such a waste of time in my life? I don't watch the news and avoid as much of that chaotic, negative energy as i can.

I agree with you @Hare The media just likes playing games and treats things that should be important like it was sunday night football or something. 

Also, the news is annoying to me. They used to neutral, but now they all swing one way or the other so one channel nags on the other all the time. And still, I swear, it seems like 90% of the news is negative so I end up yelling at the tv sooner or later... why would I need such a waste of time in my life? I don't watch the news and avoid as much of that chaotic, negative energy as i can.
Precisely. I get so sick of the 'us versus them' mentality that I don't bother watching anymore. The negativity and exaggerations, too.

Then again, news has always likes to pull these sensationalism cards, but it I've seen it get more-so.

I've stopped watching the comedy news I used to love. They used to post more varied, interesting content. Now it's mostly 'Trump finally did it' stories. 

Don't even get me started on the 'Trump finally did it' stories. I left one of the political Facebook groups I was following because almost every article would be some variation of 'Trump finally did it' and lack of fact-checking.

I was not a Trump supporter, but it annoys the heck out of me that people won't let a legitimately-elected public official try to do their job. Presidents are generally given a "Cinderella" period when they start, but there were groups out to disrupt his presidency from Day One. The only benefit to that is to weaken the United States as a country.

Media bias is rampant, news is reported in snippets that don't begin to fully explore any situation. Context no longer exists.

For years I have felt that the people who went into politics did so because they couldn't do anything else. They had no real sense of how to run a business, much less a country. I welcome someone who comes into office with a totally fresh perspective, unencumbered by the sins of the past. 

As for Trump's integrity, he built a vast empire and made his last name a household word. That does not happen by chance, you have to be shrewd, talented and smart. Sure, he's a showman, but I don't believe he has all the "personality defects" that certain factions claim. In fact, I think you can take just about any famous person and come up with a list of serious personality concerns if you want to. That includes every one of the other people who ran for President against him.

The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon has seen its ratings slip as his competitors have used Trump-bashing humor on a daily basis. In a huge interview in The New York Times Fallon talked about how it is The Tonight Show, not the Jimmy Fallon Show and that the humor he uses is more timeless than his competitors whose schtick will eventually fade away. How many people today can relate to Chevy Chase's bumbling Gerald Ford on SNL? But they still giggle over jokes Johnny Carson did 40 years ago. 

I like to listen to people who have a lot more smarts than me and who have no axes to grind opine about these subjects. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld this week stated about President Trump that “In this case, what is a chief executive's most important task? It's to select good people. And I look at his Supreme Court nominee, his vice president, his secretary of state, his secretary of defense. I think his national security team is really first-rate.” Regarding the Russia investigation, he says he can’t figure out “if there’s any there there.” And really, this whole Russia thing, we try to interfere with them, they with us, and that pattern has gone on for a very long time. At least since Hubert Humphrey ran against Nixon. No news there, if you ask me. And really, they did not affect any voting. The only reason Hillary lost was that she was an immensely unlikable person; with all her credentials it should have been an easy win. Except she came across to a large section of the country as untrustworthy and representing everything that is wrong with the country. Russia had nothing to do with Benghazi, or not being able to manage her emails securely, or the fact that she and Kim Jong Un wear the same pants suits. 

I don't care if he does great things for our country. I will never like him. Do I want him to fail? Hell no. I don't have that kind of death wish. But will I support him? Never. I will never support someone who defends perpetuating rape culture, glorifies sexual assault, or makes fun of people with disabilities (amongst other things he's said/done) and fails to acknowledge the wrongness of those actions and the harm they can/do cause. Everyone makes mistakes. The more honorable people admit their mistakes, apologize, and try to make retribution (when possible). Trump does none of those things. In my opinion he is not someone who deserves the presidential mantle. 

I have lived many years of my life in, now, 3 different countries, and it's safe to say I don't see myself as from one nationality, but I currently see myself  "of the whole world".

I'm not from USA, neither I have ever lived there, so whatever I say next might be wrong or outdated, I apologise in advance.

I would seriously love to give this guy a chance, I am a very open minded person, but from his presidential run, I saw he was a complete lost cause, I'm afraid. 

People have described him as a spoiled toddler, but I see him as a spoiled, rich adult. A kid wouldn't have the consciousness and knowledge of what he's doing and what his actions would cause unless they were grown-ups.

Ok, the ONLY good thing I can say about him is that he's really thinking about the USA and his citizens first. But we need to remember we're in the 21st century now, I have a strong belief, and I'm not the only person thinking this, that all the countries and politicians need to work together in these dire times. 

We're, after all, on the same planet Earth.

But even then, he's left lots to be desired. What with complaining about a judge saying his views were biased because he was Mexican (when same judge was born in the USA and of USA citizenship), or expecting to deport all Muslims back to their Islamic countries.

Ok, that mentioned judge had really Mexican heritage, BUT he had worked to catch Mexican drug cartels, so that excludes the biased views.

And ok, he might be scared about terrorism, BUT again, come on, people that really think that every Muslim is dangerous because a few were crazy idiots, then they are narrow-minded and need to go learn some more of the world.

And the things he's said about blacks, like “I think the guy is lazy,” ... “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”  (This quote could be false, but alas, I can really see him saying this kind of stuff I'm afraid ?)

Yes, people could say that by removing every Mexican or black person or Muslim in the country could make the USA more safe (since, funny enough, apparently they cause the majority of crimes in the USA ??‍♀️) But that will then just be a short-term solution.

Who knows what ingenuous feats terrorists in the future will create to enter the country if they can't cause a person from the inside to do their biddings. Fly there? Send a missile? Brainwash the 'white people'? 

Or what will they say, what excuses will they tell the public, when crime rates are not decreasing when there are no more foreigners to give the fault to?

*sigh* I can totally see them saying that that latest robber magically had some kind of Mexican heritage, or that rapist used to live in a black family.

And let's not start on all the deregoratory things he's said about women, or his bone-crushing and awkward handshake with the Chinese president, or the stuff on Climate change.

Or, when asked if he would comdemn Duke (KKK's late leader) Trump said that he didn't know anything about white supremacists or Duke. Like, seriously? ??‍♀️

And when he said that climate change was a hoax and invented from China. And that later - MUCH later - on he said he was joking about it (a very bad way of  stepping back in my opinion ?).

Well, joking or not, he still retreated from the Paris agreement on climate change.

The non-controlled use of energy will really boost the economy, he said.

Ok, fair enough, climate change will just affect planet Earth, no problem.

Uh.... wait? The USA is also on planet Earth?! Blimey, I had no idea ?

He really believes climate change is a lie, but even if those melting iceberg, those increases in storms, and those sky rocketing temperatures are not enough to convince him, every President, or political leader, worth his salt would seriously think about issues brought up by their scientists and experts.

Whether it's a lie or not, he should undergo procedures to make sure climate change will really remain a lie, and not just laugh it off and hope for the best.

I don't think I will ever support him or be happy with him.

Again, some American people I have talked with were happy with him as president, so I'm happy for them, truly. 

I just wonder how long that happiness will last.

I'm not from USA, neither I have ever lived there, so whatever I say next might be wrong or outdated, I apologise in advance.

I would seriously love to give this guy a chance, I am a very open minded person, but from his presidential run, I saw he was a complete lost cause, I'm afraid. 
The information you cite about President Trump is from what source(s)? Much of what the press has disseminated has been twisted and biased with the sole purpose of discrediting his presidency. 

There has likely never been a person elected to high office anywhere in the world whose life has been so transparent. He has been under a microscope all his life, and his every move has been well documented. He is as much a showman as P.T. Barnum and for many years he hosted a successful reality television show. Much of what he has been criticized for amounts to putting on an act to generate ratings. Twitter posts are so short that the words require interpretation and cannot be taken at face value. Regardless, you know exactly who is writing them. "Professional" politicians have carefully crafted how they are seen in public venues and their lives and personas are anything but an open book. I am only pointing out that none of the people elected to office are likely choir boys (or girls) but rather that they have done a great job of hiding all their weaknesses and warts from public view. Or the spin doctors find a way to deflect potential problems as they did in 2008 with Barack Obama's close association with Bill Ayers, leader of the Weather Underground, which burned and bombed college campus buildings and police stations. They wanted to destroy capitalism and replace it with the Maoist doctrines they espoused. If the media wanted to destroy Obama the way they want to destroy Trump they could have, easily.

Trump has surrounded himself with and promoted women to positions of power. The same goes for people who are of different nationalities, religions and skin colors. He has built several successful empires; one of my biggest criticisms of career politicians is that they seem to have gone into that "business" because they couldn't do anything else or because they were power-hungry. They have no experience running a business, and the United States is a very big business to run. Do I agree with all of what Trump stands for? No, but a recent poll suggests that more people in the US would vote for him today than did in November. Go figure.

I have lived in multiple countries, including a dictatorship. I have lived through a few revolutions. Watching a city burn down around you and seeing people getting shot are images not easily forgotten. I know firsthand that knowledge is power and understanding that what is reported in the media is always limited and biased. 

Edit - as an aside, the point about climate change is not that the world is getting warmer, but rather the extent and source of that warming. There are many well-respected scientists who question how much global warming can be changed by reducing emissions. We cannot stop a pattern that occurs every x-thousand years. Maybe climate change is not a "hoax", but I don't believe that Trump was attempting to discredit the actual change, rather the source of the change.

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I'm pretty neutral on the topic. I watched all my friends around me act like it was the apocalypse when he got into office, but so far, we're still here and not in a nuclear winter lol.

I dont think he knew what he was getting himself into, and I think he's discovering this now. On the bright side, I'm actually impressed he's sticking to his promises he told the people before he was elected. If he wants to make america great again, and really puts his mind to it, and follows the research, then I'm sure he could do it. 

right now I'm kinda watching the back/forth struggle between the branches of power in the US government, and its interesting to see what happens. Do I think we're going to get into a war with North Korea? no. Do I think he's going to take away everyone's healthcare and leave everyone dying? no. Do I think he's going to start a war with russia? no. 

my basic expectations is to NOT get into a war with north korea, to fix the obamacare marketplace (which is BAD.) and keep medicare expanded, and to not go to war with russia.

so far, everything seems ok. I'm a little peeved with the middle east, but a whole lot less than with obama. I also wish someone would babysit trump on twitter.  :persevere:
