The Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

Stay safe!

I actually have asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and Hypermobility Syndrome so I can understand where you are coming from. My sister has hEDS though. Apart from that it's high blood pressure and diabetes predominantly with my brother and mum.

At the end of the day do what is best for you and your health.
Oh for sure, doing my best to stay safe.
I've only been going out with my mum to get shopping when we need it, usually buying around 3 days worth of dinners so we don't have to go out as often. We are trying our best to go to small local farm shops in order to evade a lot of the crowds too.

Hope all is well on your end just now since it's been a little while since I was free enough to get on here. ?

Sadly, people around here are getting way too complacent. Not following orders (some are, but most aren't). We have a small area and I expect to see some numbers spiking soon.

I'm in Michigan, in the USA. Like, when it was announced, it was actually fine here. People seemed pretty obedient to the request to stay at home, shut business, social distancing and all that jazz, but people still bought things out at stores like mad. After about a month, it's only become worse here. People holding riots and protests, claiming their freedom is being taken from them and non-sense like that, while doctors are struggling heavily to try and keep things under control.  It even became super bad here at one point where the protests blocked major roads for ambulances to get to and from hospitals, so honestly, I've been stressed as heck and thus cooping myself up more than usual. 

For family, we had a couple of us get sick but recovered, but my mother is still sick, but with just a cough so they won't test her and it's been hell trying to find a doctor who will put forth a bit more effort to see what's wrong. Both my parents are at high risk, so it's scary. I also had a close friend who has a whole other plethora of issues from respiratory problems to MS and spinal issues and she got covid and we all nearly flipped out. On the upside, they did let her go home after a few days for she slowly started to recover, so that was good at least.

Job wise, it's been a nightmare. I generally work from home as is, but I can't file for unemployment because I don't have "official certificates" of my job title, so...that's another can of worms right there. Luckily, my husband was able to get the unemployment, but his job can't decide yet if they want people coming back starting May 5th or not given that stay at home notice has been extended to May 15th, which doesn't surprise.

It's honestly scary here with the lack of care from people as well as how to make up for the financial losses. I was lucky enough to get a break on my loans for a bit of time, but even then, many of our bills are still expecting to be paid despite the either lack of work or heavy drop in work. We're holding out here as best as we can and at least making use of the time to spend together since it's just my husband and myself stuck at home with our two dogs and our cat. We do the best we can and we'll figure things out on a day to day basis. 

Hope everything is okay with you Aminirus. Your situation sounds so scary and there are multiple frustrations there and I can't imagine being in that situation.

I'm over in the UK and in terms of the working environment I am able to work from home and my mum and brother are just completely home from work and are furloughed. Unfortunately one of my family members has passed away from COVID-19, which was a shock. The funeral is probably going to be at least a month away, but we have started keeping in touch now with more distant family so, it's a strange world right now.

Yeah, scary for sure. Luckily, things seem to have calmed to a degree, enough at least that my family is fine. Finally found a doctor that would/could see my mother and turns out she has joy, but at least it's not Covid. Otherwise, we've been doing our part and staying cooped up, turning into hermits and only going out to really walk our dogs. 

I'm sorry for your loss Tmra. My condolences. It is a strange world right now for sure.

I'm glad your mum has managed to see someone and that it isn't COVID. I hope she recovers soon from the bronchitis though, as that can be a bit nasty.

Thank you, definitely going to be a year to remember that's for sure.

How is everyone doing? Still staying safe and sane?
Things are going alright in that department here at least. It seems to have slowed down in our town and places are starting to open back up bit by bit, but just still required to wear a mask and most sit down restaurants are still closed, which is fine.

How about you?

Things are going alright in that department here at least. It seems to have slowed down in our town and places are starting to open back up bit by bit, but just still required to wear a mask and most sit down restaurants are still closed, which is fine.

How about you?
About the same here - a few weeks ago my city was deemed a "hot bed" but I haven't heard much of that lately (thankfully).  Apparently Ontario is talking about opening up offices starting July 1st.  I hope we don't go back that early.  I see everyone daily on zoom calls, so don't feel the need.  That being said - I'm off for a week and a bit at that point ? so I'm less worried.

I found out this past week that my cousin had lost their job for covid which sucks :(  hopefully this sparks a re-entrance into work for him too.

About the same here - a few weeks ago my city was deemed a "hot bed" but I haven't heard much of that lately (thankfully).  Apparently Ontario is talking about opening up offices starting July 1st.  I hope we don't go back that early.  I see everyone daily on zoom calls, so don't feel the need.  That being said - I'm off for a week and a bit at that point ? so I'm less worried.

I found out this past week that my cousin had lost their job for covid which sucks :(  hopefully this sparks a re-entrance into work for him too.
I hope they can get their job back. I know that's the most scariest part for many, even for us here too. If jobs don't start picking back up at least, there's far too much talk of layoffs and just being let go. Then of course, if people don't have money to pay their bills, that's gonna increase the homeless rate and such. It also doesn't help that companies, due to the loss of having to cut back their employees, also raise the price of their products in order to make up for their losses, but then that doesn't help because no one can afford it.

I hoping things get better soon, but even if places are opening up again, I hope people still take it serious and take precautions when going out and going to work. 

From United Kingdom,

The government warned us not to be complacent. But we are still doing well. We are dealing with it, even though there has been a slight increase in cases in recent days.
