The Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)


Staff member
So as many of you might've seen around the world, there is a virus called COVID-19 (also simply known as Coronavirus) which is causing a massive problem for the world in terms of the health of the general population but also an economic issue which almost certainly will have a lasting effect on money in the business sector.

Whilst this is all going on, I've not noticed many discussions about how it's been affecting people from a personal persective.
So with that in mind I'd like to talk about how it's affecting me and would like to hear how it's been affecting you. I stay in the Northern area of Fife in Scotland which is fairly isolated in the grand scheme of things, but around 40 mins from where I am was the first diagnosed case of this disease in my country and since then there has been a few other individuals diagnosed. My college doesn't have any set idea of what their plan is if the Coronavirus starts to take more of a prominent role in the area and I personally haven't planned anything if it starts to strike locally to me. I guess I'd be more likely to decide what to do as things develop, what about you guys? What's been happening in your life in relation to the virus?

It isn't really affecting me personally :x I live in the USA and I am not worried about it at all. I feel a lot of people are overreacting. Not due to the impact it is having on the economy but people being paranoid about getting sick. We had 2 cases in my state. You have to be smart and take precautions like with any other disease.

For those who have to deal with the public on a daily basis and don't have the luxury of avoiding them, those are the ones I feel bad for. Good thoughts your way and hope you don't catch it or the flu. ❤️

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I wasn't worried but the school my mum works for, two of their partner schools (that they see a few times a week), one is confirmed and the one is being tested.

Me, my mum and brother all have underlying medical conditions that designate us 'at risk'.

This is in the UK.

Me, my mum and brother all have underlying medical conditions that designate us 'at risk'.
Sorry to hear that. My partner does too. We have supplies so we won't have to go to crowded areas like stores for awhile, but we're still a bit worried. We have two cases within 20 minutes of us right now in the US and it seems like it's shaping up to be very contagious. Best of luck to you, I hope you and your family don't get sick!

50+ Positive cases have been so far in my country and i have prepared to tackle the upcoming pandemic by stocking up few items like :-

n-95 Mask

Sanitizer (60%+ Alcohol)

Paracetamol & Vitamin-C medicines ( Found to be helpful in curing from coronavirus)

Essential food stock and water cans for upto 3 months.

Planned to move to our town home which is in isolated area of desert , this is all because we already know that our country medical facilities is not upto the par and it would be all over mess once it starts to spread out at speed , people don't have enough knowledge in our country and government is hiding the potential of virus by stating "Mask" is not necessary for people to wear , only infected one should wear it.

I had few friends in china and the last that i could hear from them is that china is censoring out the real reports and hiding the real count of deaths and infected people , even trump compares covid-19 to a Flu ?

I Wish all of you good luck and a healthy life and be in contact with all of us :)  just stock up some medicine like paracetamol,vitamin c tablets and mask ^^

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@Tmra Ugh, I am so sorry you are at risk and this is probably quite scary for you and your family! Do you have to do any special prep or activities to keep yourself extra protected?

@SilverBrick Actually, it IS only the infected who should wear masks, especially with a shortage. If you're curious to learn more I can link you to some information! Keep some on hand in case you do get sick and need to go out, but using a mask just to have it on won't help. ;( If you end up moving over to your hometown during this, wish you the best of luck!

The governor of the state I live in (US) has been trying to cover up and delay actual numbers of those infected and on the watch list, but it's already spread across the state and reached my city.

I'm young and healthy enough to get over it if I caught it, but I feel awful for people with weak immune systems and older people.

Stores have been wild with people panic shopping and clearing out shelves, which now leaves those people who need health and cleaning supplies without any more. ? Retail stores will likely be late with restocking enough to meet the demands.

Sorry to hear that. My partner does too. We have supplies so we won't have to go to crowded areas like stores for awhile, but we're still a bit worried. We have two cases within 20 minutes of us right now in the US and it seems like it's shaping up to be very contagious. Best of luck to you, I hope you and your family don't get sick!
Thank you, all the best to you and your family too.

@Tmra Ugh, I am so sorry you are at risk and this is probably quite scary for you and your family! Do you have to do any special prep or activities to keep yourself extra protected?

@SilverBrick Actually, it IS only the infected who should wear masks, especially with a shortage. If you're curious to learn more I can link you to some information! Keep some on hand in case you do get sick and need to go out, but using a mask just to have it on won't help. ;( If you end up moving over to your hometown during this, wish you the best of luck!
I've stockpiled long life food, some hand sanitizers (alcohol hand gel and hand wash), gloves, etc.

Basically even if this eases up I won't need to buy anything imported for a few months and can just live off the freezer and cupboard. I also have a few extra inhalers kicking about just in case my health gets worse.

@Tmra I am glad you have something in place ❤️

I got curious and looked today - there is a map you can watch to see where the virus is spreading. Handy if you want to keep an eye on how close it may be to where you live.

Can view it here.

Currently we have 173 and all in the largest city about 6 hours away. There is also a running toll of how many people are sick, recovered, and even those who died.

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UK here! The Government is still keeping calm for now, but I don’t think that will last long as cases are increasing rapidly lately!

The whole situation hasn’t affected me personally for now (thankfully!) but I can just imagine how bad it will become when eventually schools will have to be closed down and other gathering places. University is extremely important to me, and I had to fight to get into it, so having to stop going to Uni will be extremely sad. 

Also, annoyingly, as other people have already mentioned, people have been stockpiling and buying out all kind of things here. Extremely annoying, as I can’t seem to find hand sanitisers anymore!

My thoughts are out to Italy (where I am originally from) and I wish them the best - hope they will get on top of this mess ❤️

I'm the same in that I have two chronic conditions which I believe would make me be classed as being at risk (Asthma and hEDS). Both my parents have conditions which would probably put them in the risk bracket, I'd originally been planning to travel to America at the end of June until halfway through July but this is putting a real strain on me wanting to even board the plane.

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Has the drive-thru testing started in any of your areas? Just caught part of a live thing by our Governor but missed most of it. Interesting technique they are doing.

None in my area I don't think.  My workplace has given the official decree to work from home indefinitely.

From Singapore here.
We're dealing with it alright, even if there's been a slight increase of cases in the recent days. Government warns us of becoming complacent with the situation. But we're still doing alright.

I'm the same in that I have two chronic conditions which I believe would make me be classed as being at risk (Asthma and hEDS). Both my parents have conditions which would probably put them in the risk bracket, I'd originally been planning to travel to America at the end of June until halfway through July but this is putting a real strain on me wanting to even board the plane.
Stay safe!

I actually have asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and Hypermobility Syndrome so I can understand where you are coming from. My sister has hEDS though. Apart from that it's high blood pressure and diabetes predominantly with my brother and mum.

At the end of the day do what is best for you and your health.
