It's time for a new update, and I have quite a few things to show off today!
-Site Theme-
I designed a brand new theme for the site! The background tiles like it does because of my browser's screenshot extension. It's a single image on the actual site.
I'm still in the process of drawing more art to add to the index page, and it still needs some fixing to scale properly on all screens, but other than that the final design is pretty much complete. Further in the future I plan to add a "light mode" for users that don't like darker interfaces.

I finally got around to adding the stockpile. Right now it just shows the rib item as a placeholder image, but in the future it may change depending on the amount currently stored. (So an empty stockpile would show a few scraps, a large stockpile will show a hoard of food)
Rather than whole items, the food is stored as "points". A wolf's hunger goes from 0-100, so if your fullness is 80% then 20pts will be taken from the pile. I find this way much simpler and less wasteful than users consuming whole items and not needing the leftover points. (Then I would need to make scraps and all that stuff...I would rather not)
When it comes to your personal stash however, you do consume entire food items. Well...almost. If you eat an item from your stash then you will waste any extra points a food item might have had. For example, if you're at 80% and eat an item with a 50pt food value, then 30pts will go to waste. It's much more beneficial to add your food to the pile, but some people will always decide to be greedy.
-Pup 2.0-
I decided that I wanted to remake the pup art since the old one didn't really capture the feel of a pup. This one is much more cheerful, while the old one looked like a deer in the headlights.
While working on this lifestage, I decided to include some limitations. Pups will always have blue eyes and pink noses/paws until they reach 6 months. Once they reach 6 months, they'll show the colors they actually inherited. (for reference, they become adolescents at 1 year)
The adolescent will be getting an update as well, but that will be in a later news post.
-Content Warnings-
I've finalized the content warnings for the site (as it stands). It's similar to Lioden, just without the suggestive/sexual references.
The label itself is subject to change due to legal issues it could bring though. It'll most likely change in design before the site opens.
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