New Emoticons courtesy of SingSong


New member
@SingSong was nice enough to spend some time providing a large range of nice emoticons for the forums! Much thanks to her,  :love: !

There are a set of 40 new emotions!

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Thanks for the kind words!

I noticed two things in your emoticon tags: 

The -_- and -.- faces should be the opposite.
And you have two ones with the :D tag.
All Fixed :D , this is why I should never be allowed to add emoticons late at night -_-

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Oh wow, that's an impressive number! They all look lovely <3 :kitty:

Thank you 100x for making them compact and about the same size as the text. That's one of my biggest pet peeves is when they stick out too much so these are perfect!

Thank you Callum and Pepper-Head!

Thank you 100x for making them compact and about the same size as the text. That's one of my biggest pet peeves is when they stick out too much so these are perfect!
I used to have the same pet peeve (but I guess I've just gotten so used to seeing big smileys that I hardly notice anymore). I do like when emoticons don't widen the gap between text lines.
