Mysidia servers are...down?

(Double post, oh no!)

Do you think I should message HOF that a DoS attack is a possibility? Ever since this happened, the support forum's had a lot less activity.  x_x

Maybe he can get server support. This did start happening after we moved to a new server host a month or two back.

And frankly, it's getting tedious to have to connect through a proxy :P

EDIT: I sent him a PM about it. Hopefully he reads it and looks into it.

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He actually replied pretty quickly. He agreed it was strange and that it started ever since the move. He's going to bring it up with the webhost to help get it resolved and reply back if he gets anywhere.
It would be good for him to post something about it on the forums too just so the community knows he's acting on it.  For a couple weeks there have been crickets.

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Okay, so got another message from HOF. He said my IP was blocked by the server host since apparently it only allows so many IPs to control bots, so he unblocked it and I can connect again. If you're having trouble connecting, I recommend using a proxy to pm him so you can get unblocked.

He's currently working out a way to increase the allowed amount and prevent spam bots.

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Okay, so got another message from HOF. He said my IP was blocked by the server host since apparently it only allows so many IPs to control bots, so he unblocked it and I can connect again. If you're having trouble connecting, I recommend using a proxy to pm him so you can get unblocked.

He's currently working out a way to increase the allowed amount and prevent spam bots.
That is not the only issue, unless my IP has been blocked and I have only visited the site maybe twice? I don't even have an account.

That is not the only issue, unless my IP has been blocked and I have only visited the site maybe twice? I don't even have an account.
Hopefully he'll look into other possible issues that are contributing to it too. I find it a little weird that liquidweb (the web host) would automatically block extra people who missed the low user threshold, if anything it seems like bad practice to me, but he's asking them to raise it so that's one side of the problem.

Unfortunately it seems to have reverted for me, even though I could access the site freely this morning. I don't know if it's something else or if I've been blocked again, but I'll be sure to ask.\

EDIT: Yeah, we messaged each other again and it seems like IP blocking is the issue. He unblocked my IP for the second time and it only worked for a page load or two before I lost connection again, I can't even ping the server so I assume it's been blocked again. It could be the same for guests.

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I wonder if he's using an automtatic IP blocking for the spammers which is causing the problem for everyone, or if liquidweb is doing it.  This is very bad.  I can't visit at all either.

I wonder if he's using an automtatic IP blocking for the spammers which is causing the problem for everyone, or if liquidweb is doing it.  This is very bad.  I can't visit at all either.
I'm not sure, but it sounds like liquidweb has automatic IP blocking enabled. This is what he sent:

Seems that on the new webhost the allowed connections for IP was set to be very low, we are working to increase the limit for normal users but still find a way to block bots/attackers. We will need to find a balance for this, but we will work it out.
EDIT: We believe the problem is fixed, since I've been able to connect normally for an hour so far. He said for me to wait 24 hours and see if I can still connect, so he can be sure it's fixed this time. If so, he's going to go through and unban user IPs so others can connect again.

Fingers crossed that things can go back to normal tomorrow.

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I haven't seen anything from my end that's been happening with the Mys severs for me..o.o Weird. lol I've been able to access it fine for the past month+, and I check it daily. I wasn't even aware that something was happening until I saw this thread. It's good to see that he's able to sort it out though. :3

Everything seems to be in working order today! So HOF is going to go through and start unbanning IPs of users who were affected by this.

That's good! It used to be where HoF had to manually go in and unblock IPs, so I don't know if he's been constantly doing that and finally got to yours or if it's just fixed for everyone in general. I hope it's the latter.
