Mysidia Deluxe

I'm so glad someone has decided to take this up.  I hope you got HOF's permission though as he owns the original script.  I've waited for years for him to do something with this as it is currently unusable to me with all the e-notices and crap.  I also like that you will be commenting the code which will help people like me who are not saavy with OOP programming.

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Custom versions of the script is allowed, but I got his permission before making it since it would be located on a different site (github), this is what he sent me: 

It is allowed so long as it has links/credits that direct back to the original script. The official Mysidia Adoptables script will not be on Github since it is not meant to be open source, but a custom version is fine.
So I'm good to go ^^
I hope to get back to working on it soon. Earning money is my highest priority at the moment though, lol.

I'll be leaving a bunch of comments in the code, since my biggest problem starting out was that there were all these functions and whatnot and nothing to say what it means. Not to mention so many things are split across multiple files (which I plan to condense), so it was hard just tracking down where things were.

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Alright, I've taken a long break but I plan on working on this some more this weekend!

One new thing I've decided over the break was to drop composer support (+ plans to merge it into the main branch) and just leave it up to the individuals that want it to install it. That doesn't mean the composer branch is going anywhere though! The code is still open source, so anyone that wants to maintain it is welcome to. (It just means I won't be maintaining it myself)

Slowly moving forward, but I finally added in the bank feature and made some final changes to the night sky theme (I need to work in a pretty environment lol). All the built in themes will also only use Bootstrap 4 now.

Next things I'll start on soon are condensing the myadopts page (lots of unnecessary pages and redirects) and adding the auction and raffle features.

One of the features that mysidia definitely needs are forums (without requiring the user to sign up again but on a completely different site and etc.). Do you think it's doable creating forums using php for mysidia?

It's been a while since my last update, but I'm close to finished with the auction system! So far it functions like this:

  • Users create an auction with a title, starting bid, minimum increase, and pets/items.

    It is possible to select pets, items, or both
  • A "minimum increase" is the minimum amount to add to the highest bid. So if the highest bid is 100 gold and the minimum increase is 50 gold, a user can only bid a minimum of 150 gold. I saw this used quite a bit on VPS game forums, so I decided to make it a feature

[*]User chooses an end date, and the auction automatically closes on that date, sending the currency to the owner and the pets/items to the highest bidder

[*]Users can end an auction early if they wish.

[*]An optional "snipe guard", where the auction is extended by 20 minutes if an offer is made within 10 minutes of the deadline.

Will this be updated to PHP 7.3 at some point?  My development environment uses 7.2, and my hosting uses 7.3 so I'm hoping this will be updated so I can finally try Mysidia again.  
