Missing In Action: PaulSonny

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@judda The 15th is also the last day I had contact with him. His profile on here shows that his last visit was June 30th though.... But I'm sorry to hear that you've been without communication as well. Today marks two months later with no update... 

I hope he's alright but some kind of quick communication (at the very least) is really necessary at this point. I hope he does return to refund people.

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Also June. I heard from him after this and he apologized and asked me to send the list of bugs again, so I did and then never heard from him again. I've already paid someone else to fix his bugs, so I haven't pursued it any further.

Still nothing from him. I've filed disputes with Paypal for $1200 worth of programming that has not been finished. When I started to look over the code and had another programmer look over it, I discovered there were several things not finished and that none of the changes to our avatar system are currently compatible with our existing admin panel. So far I've paid $100 to another programmer to have them just BEGIN to get the code finished.

I'm so frustrated. Because I will admit, I owed him $300 and he said the work was done, but he wasn't going to release any of the changes until he was fully paid. So I put together a fundraiser and got him the remaining balance. Then, instead of finishing the work, he disappeared. I'm so frustrated and so done with this. My hope is that I'll be able to escalate the dispute to a claim, Paypal will refund me, and I'll be able to pay to have the work finished and made live.

If I hear from him though, through this process, I will let everyone know.

Still haven't heard since June and I'm stuck between concern for him and frustration that I've yet to see any sign of getting the refund for the work he wasn't able to do.

I've found out that some of the projects he marked completed for me were also unfinished, buggy, or not fully set up to work as the guidelines listed. However, just based on my own situation and what I've heard from others, he wasn't always truthful about his progress. I wouldn't hold your breath on paying for the completed code if he returns @Lucille. It's likely that he was only partially started, if at all.

Maybe when he didn't have as much on his plate he could catch up, but I think he just took on too more than he could handle and his health kept holding him back.

Regardless, it looks like there are way too many projects large and small (more than who have posted here) to excuse this poor business practice. I wish him well and hate to sound so harsh, but there's no reason to have kept us in the dark for so long before just disappearing altogether with so much owed work left behind.

I'm going to attempt to open a Paypal dispute as well.

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@Pepper-HeadI've already paid him in full, so there is no balance left now. When there was $300 balance left he refused to release the code until I paid him what was owed. Then, come to find out it wasn't even finished so he held it hostage, I pressed for an emergency fundraiser, got everyone hyped up, and he disappeared and left me with, pardon my language here, but half-assed work is the only way to put it. Like you, I do want to be understanding and not harsh, but agree none of this is okay. I'm so sorry so many people were left holding the bag. :(

Well I'm beyond the point of protection from Paypal to open up a dispute it seems. Thankfully I wasn't paid up too far ahead without work, but the time lost on my project is more devastating than the money at this point.

I hope others have better luck!

It’s not strange. He did it to me nearly couple years back. Kept in touch stringing along over a couple months saying he was ill then nothing at all. Fortunately didn't lose any money though.

Oh yeah, haven't seen him around at all and I don't expect to. Wouldn't be surprised if he left the petsite niche altogether. I do hope he's in good health though.

He randomly popped up again about two months ago looking for work....I made the mistake of indulging and am out a little under $300. ARG! He has vanished on me before, but I have NEVER experienced paying him and being left high and dry.

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