Magikarp Jump!


Just mainly out of curiosity, but does anyone else play this little treasure of a game?

I saw a friend of mine making posts on it about a week ago and decided to check it out myself... rank 20 and a golden magikarp later... still playing it >.<  I don't know, there's something simple and fun and entertaining about it. It's mostly just a time waster, but I find it quite creative and still difficult in it's own way. Though the concept is incredibly simple, the art style is so adorable and the things that can happen I find entertaining at least.

So what about you? Have you played this game? What are your greatest achievements in it so far?

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Yes! Although I've found it is very EA-ified. You can play loads and loads then BOOM the paywall hits and you gotta wait 3 hours or pay some cash now. I would prefer it if i could just watch an advert to play another battle etc >_<

That's true. The only way I avoid the wait time for the battles is just maxing out the level of my magikarp or battling ones I've done before and know their base is so I can guarentee a victory and avoid the wait for losing.

My sister just showed me this game a few days ago! I honestly couldn't get into it because it seemed so slow and random. I might try it out again today though :D

Hoping that you don't evolve your Magikarp or get it swooped up by a Pidgeotto-
Just keep training and maxing all your Magikarps. You'll get there eventually!

I've become bored with it after the first day, unfortunately. I may uninstall just to clear up space on my phone.

Hahaha, just like @runeowl said, I also played it for a couple of days (like, 20 minutes each day) before I got bored and unistalled it to clear space in my phone.

The memory in my phone is currently very tight so I just keep the things I'm REALLY into ?

It is a rather simple minded game, not one I would ever put money into... but I don't know. It sorta helps me when I need to take my mind off of something else, then I go poke my magikarps.

I started naming mine after food so now I'm at Lv 28 with Gen 34 karp named Biscuit. 

Normally I don't play such games, but when you're used to quite a few strategy based games or racking your brain on information all day long, playing something that doesn't require brain power can be... refreshing I guess :P  Either that or I'm just too easily amused, lol

I am faced with the dilemma of whether to give this one a try or not. I need help deciding if it is worth at least downloading and trying.

Even though it seems a few here have gotten bored, it seems that they enjoyed it for a while. Should I give it a shot?

I am faced with the dilemma of whether to give this one a try or not. I need help deciding if it is worth at least downloading and trying.

Even though it seems a few here have gotten bored, it seems that they enjoyed it for a while. Should I give it a shot?
I say, go for it!

I'm personally a very picky individual and get bored easily unless a game really 'wow's me!

The game was nice and safe, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it at least a little :)

I say, go for it!

I'm personally a very picky individual and get bored easily unless a game really 'wow's me!

The game was nice and safe, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it at least a little :)
@Digital, I agree with @Bravefoot. It's definitely worth a shot. The only down side is the limitations. It took me 4 generations of magikarp just to get through 1 league, due to the level cap aaargh.

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I took ages training up a magikarp and battling with it... i finally got back to the leader by skipping them alll... then a freaking pidgeotto comes and takes it. smh

<deletes app>

//everyone complains how simple and stupid this game is


//force retires at least 3 magikarp, either by pidgeotto or by just retiring it, just to get the level to finish this league

//oh look- there's another league ahead

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You guys realize that this game is catered specifically for kids, right?

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