Happy Easter - Kangaket Style


New member
Happy Easter!

I wonder what this hatches into? The Easter Bunny seemed happy to give us a bunch!​

(Pet art donated by @SingSong)​


To celebrate easter, everyone who had visited the forums within the last 24 hours should have gotten an egg. This pet is the first official limited pet, as there will only ever be 28 of them on the forums as now. They have 4 stages including their egg form, and take a little longer to go through their stages as well.

I wanted to say Happy Easter, and to thank you, our amazing members for continuing to visit and spend your time here to make this community a great place to be! To many Easters to come! I also want to shout out once again to @SingSong for working hard on providing the pet for this event!

It's a little weird to me that the Easter Bunny had a lot of these lying around. There must be some kind of story behind that. >_>

I hope you all like the little critter.  :bashful:

Very cool! (Good thing I noticed this post or I might have never known I had this... or at least been pretty confused about where it came from XD  )

I can't wait to see what it hatches into!
