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This is a simple HTML5 version of the classic game of pong. Play against the computer for as many levels as you can. The computer gets faster and more competitive the higher the level gets. The game can easily be customized to grow/shrink the paddles and the computer’s difficulty if you’re looking for a challenge after you’ve finished putting the tutorial together. You’ll need a current version of a browser (Chrome, Firefox) that supports HTML5 in order to complete this tutorial. Enjoy!
Try the working version and Fork on Plunker
Create the HTML File
The beauty of html5 is that you can program it using javascript. This makes your html file small and super simple. All we need to do is create a canvas for the game and then include the javascript file:
<canvas id="battlePong"></canvas>
< script type="text/javascript" src="battlePong.js"></script>
Create the Javascript File
Test Your File
Open your html file in a browser. Make sure that your javascript file is located in the same place. Voila! Now you can tweak and refine it to your hearts content.
This is a simple HTML5 version of the classic game of pong. Play against the computer for as many levels as you can. The computer gets faster and more competitive the higher the level gets. The game can easily be customized to grow/shrink the paddles and the computer’s difficulty if you’re looking for a challenge after you’ve finished putting the tutorial together. You’ll need a current version of a browser (Chrome, Firefox) that supports HTML5 in order to complete this tutorial. Enjoy!
Try the working version and Fork on Plunker
Create the HTML File
The beauty of html5 is that you can program it using javascript. This makes your html file small and super simple. All we need to do is create a canvas for the game and then include the javascript file:
<canvas id="battlePong"></canvas>
< script type="text/javascript" src="battlePong.js"></script>
Create the Javascript File
* File: BattlePong.js
* Purpose: HTML5 pong game
* Author:, LLC <[email protected]>
* Created: 6/7/2016
//global game variables
var game = {
debug: true,
canvas: null,
canvasContext: null,
frameRate: 1000,
framesPerSecond: 30,
fonts: {
header: '30px Arial',
regular: '15px Arial'
colors: {
net: 'gray',
background: 'black',
header: 'red',
text: 'white'
screens: {
winner: false,
startGame: true,
levelUp: false,
continue: false
ball: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
speedX: 10,
speedY: 4,
threshold: 35,
radius: 10,
color: 'blue'
level: 1,
pointsPerLevel: 3,
player: {
score: 0,
lives: 5,
paddle: {
y: 250,
thickness: 10,
height: 100,
color: 'green'
computer: {
score: 0,
paddle: {
y: 250,
thickness: 10,
height: 100,
speed: 6,
color: 'red'
* Start the game when the window loads
window.onload = function() {
//init the canvas
game.canvas = document.getElementById('battlePong');
//adjust canvas to window size
game.canvas.width = window.innerWidth -;
game.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
//create the context
game.canvasContext = game.canvas.getContext('2d');
//add event listeners
game.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseClickHandler);
game.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
//start buffering the screen
setInterval(function() { buffer(); }, game.frameRate / game.framesPerSecond);
* Figure out the player's mouse position
function mouseMoveHandler(e) {
var mousePos = mousePosition(e);
game.player.paddle.y = mousePos.y - (game.player.paddle.height / 2);
* Return the x,y coordinates of the mouse in
* relation to the screen
function mousePosition(e) {
var rect = game.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var root = document.documentElement;
return {
x: e.clientX - rect.left - root.scrollLeft,
y: e.clientY - - root.scrollTop
* Handle mouse clicks
function mouseClickHandler(e) {
if (game.debug) {
if (game.screens.startGame) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Removing start screen');
game.screens.startGame = false;
else if (game.screens.continue) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Removing start screen');
game.screens.continue = false;
else if (game.screens.levelUp) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Removing level up screen');
game.screens.levelUp = false;
else if (game.screens.winner) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Removing winner screen, showing start screen');
game.player.score = 0; = 0;
game.screens.winner = false;
game.screens.startGame = true;
* Start the game
function startGame() {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Starting game...');
if (game.player.lives <= 0) {
game.screens.winner = true;
game.ball.speedX = -game.ball.speedX;
game.ball.x = game.canvas.width / 2;
game.ball.y = game.canvas.height / 2;
* Move the ball and the computer mouse paddle
function move() {
var deltaY = 0;
//move computer paddle
var center = + ( / 2);
if (center < game.ball.y - game.ball.threshold) { = +;
} else if (center > game.ball.y + game.ball.threshold) { = -;
//move ball
game.ball.x = game.ball.x + game.ball.speedX;
game.ball.y = game.ball.y + game.ball.speedY;
//check for paddle collisions
if (game.ball.y < 0) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Inverting ball Y speed 1');
game.ball.speedY = -game.ball.speedY;
if (game.ball.y > game.canvas.height) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Inverting ball Y speed 2');
game.ball.speedY = -game.ball.speedY;
* Check for ball/paddle collisions
function hitCollision()
//player paddle check
if (game.ball.x <= 0) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('player paddle collision check');
console.log('ball', game.ball);
console.log('player paddle', game.player.paddle);
'hit or miss',
game.ball.y > game.player.paddle.y,
game.ball.y < (game.player.paddle.y + game.player.paddle.height + game.ball.radius)
if (game.ball.y > (game.player.paddle.y) &&
game.ball.y < (game.player.paddle.y + game.player.paddle.height + game.ball.radius)
) {
game.ball.speedX = -game.ball.speedX;
deltaY = game.ball.y - (game.player.paddle.y + game.player.paddle.height / 2);
game.ball.speedY = deltaY * 0.35;
} else {;
game.screens.continue = true;
//computer paddle check
if (game.ball.x >= game.canvas.width) {
if (game.debug) {
console.log('player paddle collision check');
console.log('ball', game.ball);
console.log('player paddle',;
'hit or miss',
game.ball.y >,
game.ball.y < ( + + game.ball.height)
if (game.ball.y > ( &&
game.ball.y < ( + + game.ball.radius)
) {
game.ball.speedX = -game.ball.speedX;
deltaY = game.ball.y - ( + / 2);
game.ball.speedY = deltaY * 0.35;
} else {
game.player.score++; //increase score
//level up
if (game.player.score > 0 && game.player.score % game.pointsPerLevel === 0) {
game.player.lives++; //get another life
game.level++; //level up += 1.3; //increase computer paddle speed
game.screens.levelUp = true;
} else {
game.screens.continue = true;
* Draw the game board
function drawBoard() {
//draw the net
for (var i = 0; i < game.canvas.height; i += 10) {
drawRectangle(game.canvas.width / 2 - 1, i, 2, 1,;
//draw the score text
var offset = 100;
//set the header text
var header = "BattlePong!";
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.header;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.header;
game.canvasContext.fillText(header, offset, 30);
//set the colors and font style
game.canvasContext.fillStyle =;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.regular;
//set the score text
var score = "Score: " + game.player.score;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.text;
var scoreSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(score);
game.canvasContext.fillText(score, offset + 5, 50);
//set the lives text
var lives = "Lives: " + game.player.lives;
var livesSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(lives);
game.canvasContext.fillText(lives, offset + scoreSize.width + 25, 50);
//set the copyright text
var copyright = "Games by, LLC";
var copyrightSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(copyright);
game.canvasContext.fillText(copyright, game.canvas.width - copyrightSize.width - offset/4, game.canvas.height - offset/4);
//player paddle
//computer paddle
game.canvas.width -,,,,
drawBall(game.ball.x, game.ball.y, game.ball.radius, game.ball.color);
* Draw the ball
function drawBall(centerX, centerY, radius, color) {
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = color;
game.canvasContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
* Draw paddle
function drawRectangle(leftX, topY, width, height, color) {
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = color;
game.canvasContext.fillRect(leftX, topY, width, height);
* Reset for a new game
function resetGame()
if (game.debug) {
console.log('Resetting game...');
game.level = 1; = 6;
game.player.score = 0; = 0;
game.player.lives = 5;
* Draw the winner screen
function screenWinner() {
var center = game.canvas.width / 2;
var height = game.canvas.height / 2;
var header = "Game Over!";
var score = "Score: " + game.player.score;
//set the header text
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.header;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.header;
var headerSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(header);
game.canvasContext.fillText(header, center - headerSize.width/2, height);
//set the score text
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.text;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.regular;
var scoreSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(score);
game.canvasContext.fillText(score, center - scoreSize.width/2, height + 25);
* Draw the continue screen
function screenContinue() {
var center = game.canvas.width / 2;
var height = game.canvas.height / 2;
//set the header text
var header = "Missed Ball!";
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.header;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.header;
var headerSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(header);
game.canvasContext.fillText(header, center - headerSize.width/2, height);
//set the info text
var info = "Click anywhere to start the next ball";
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.text;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.regular;
var infoSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(info);
game.canvasContext.fillText(info, center - infoSize.width/2, height + 25);
* Draw the level up screen
function screenLevelUp() {
var center = game.canvas.width / 2;
var height = game.canvas.height / 2;
//set header
var header = "Level " + game.level;
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.header;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.header;
var headerSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(header);
game.canvasContext.fillText(header, center - headerSize.width/2, height);
//set the regular text color and font
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.text;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.regular;
//set the level text
var info = "Click anywhere to start the next ball";
var infoSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(info);
game.canvasContext.fillText(info, center - infoSize.width/2, height + 25);
* Draw the start screen
function screenStartGame() {
var center = game.canvas.width / 2;
var height = game.canvas.height / 2;
//set the header text
var header = "BattlePong!";
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.header;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.header;
var headerSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(header);
game.canvasContext.fillText(header, center - headerSize.width/2, height);
//set the info text
var info = "Click anywhere to start playing";
game.canvasContext.fillStyle = game.colors.text;
game.canvasContext.font = game.fonts.regular;
var infoSize = game.canvasContext.measureText(info);
game.canvasContext.fillText(info, center - infoSize.width/2, height + 25);
* Buffer the screen
function buffer() {
//black out the screen
drawRectangle(0, 0, game.canvas.width, game.canvas.height, game.colors.background);
//draw one if the screens if they're active
if (game.screens.winner) {
else if (game.screens.continue) {
else if (game.screens.levelUp) {
else if (game.screens.startGame) {
//playing the game
Test Your File
Open your html file in a browser. Make sure that your javascript file is located in the same place. Voila! Now you can tweak and refine it to your hearts content.
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