Figment |Writing Contest

For middle book:

The Spring Fair

Rea was shaking with excitement, today was the opening of the Spring Fair

It would be her first time at the Spring Fair, and she just could not wait,

“Come on! Mom!” she begged, as her mother, Violet fixed the bow on Rea’s braid.

Violet let out a gentle laugh. “Hang on Re, the fair will stay for a while yet.”

“But I want to see the unicorns and ride them and the carousel!” She gave a little gasp, “Are there going to be dragons? Please tell me there will be!” Rea could see the lights from the lanterns, and hear the happy laughs. Violet smiled at her daughter and took her hand. “I believe so,” she said.

They walked towards the fairground, Rea squealed in excitement as she caught site of the unicorns grazing in a field. “What do you want to do first?”

“Carousel!’ Rea said excitedly. Violet smiled at her daughter, and together they walked over to the carousel, cheerful music was played by a young girl, a small dragon lay at her feet.

A man in a suit walked up to the duo and Violet gave him two bronze coins.

Rea and her mother had a wonderful time at the fair and made many wonderful memories.

For left book:

The Creature

Kaleb clutched his stomach as he watched the churning waves. “Hey.” Kaleb spun around at the voice of his girlfriend, Scarlet, she twirled a sword on her palm. She raised her eyebrows. “If you’re seasick, why are you out here?” she asked. “It doesn’t help being inside. At least here my vomit will go straight into the ocean.” “And,” he added, “It reminds me of my churning stomach.”

Scarlet cracked a smile. “And why would you want to be reminded of that?”

“I needed an analogy.. and.. “ his voice trailed off. “And what?” Scarlet asked.

“Did you see that?” “See what?”

Kaleb’s face took on a terrified expression. “The Creature..” he breathed. Scarlet frowned. “The what?” “I thought it was just a myth..” Scarlet scowled at Kaleb. “You’re not actually telling me you saw it.” Kaleb fell back suddenly, he immediately got up and looked at her with an almost haunted expression. “I.. I saw it!” he moaned. “So many teeth, its eyes glowed like gleaming ruby’s.” Scarlet grabbed his arm. “You should come inside. You’re seeing things.” Kaleb jerked away from her. “I saw it!” he yelled. “It’s the most terrifying thing you’ll ever see.” That was when they both saw it. No, them. “There’s two of them,” Scarlet whispered, horrified.

Kaleb drew his sword, and Scarlet held her’s with a ready expression.

Suddenly a tentacle shot up from the sea and wrapped around Scarlet, she was so startled she dropped her sword. “SCARLET!” Kaleb screamed. He brought his sword down on the tentacle but it merely bounced off, the tentacle was harder than stone.

The creature jerked her off the deck. Without hesitation Kaleb dove into the water.

The captain never found out what happened to his two passengers.

These papers washed up on sea, along with some teeth from some strange creature.

Magic and You


Jenny walked through the dark forest, the moon waned above her, casting shadows on the ground. She flinched at every sound, but kept going.

She had heard rumors of a witch in these woods, one who would teach her dark magic. Everyone warned her not to go, but she had no interest in mere healing or growth spells, even the combat spells were not enough for her.

No, she wanted more.

She grinned as she caught sight of an old hut, placed in a small clearing. She gave a small knock.

An old woman answered the door, Jenny caught her breath at the putrid scent coming from the hut-or her. She didn’t know which, and wasn’t sure she even wanted to.

“Welcome to E’s.” the woman cackled. “Can you teach me magic?” Jenny asked straight away. ‘E’ raised her eyebrows. “Hasty aren’t we?” she muttered under her breath. “Why? The Fae’s not teachin’ you enough hmm?” Jenny shook her head. “I want to learn dark magic.” she persisted. “Ah ah, for that you’d need payment! And from the looks of you you don’t have much on ya, unless you have a few dozen pounds of boil mushrooms in your pack there.” Jenny frowned, “No.. I have this though,” she reached into her pack and pulled out a mushroom that glowed an eerie green, she had found it on her treck here and had no idea what it was used for.

The witch’s cat like eyes shined with greed, she snatched the mushroom out of Jenny’s hand. “Deal!”

An hour later, Jenny was walking home with a raven on her shoulder, “Magic and you.” it kept repeating in a happy tone. The witch had promised the raven would teach her everything she needed to know. “Stop here.” the raven said. Jenny stopped. “Now pull out one of those small pink globes E gave you.” Jenny did so, “Throw it on the ground.” Jenny did and a caldron seemed to spring out of nowhere. “Magic and you. Take out some of that star shaped flower and throw it in.” “Star Root?” “Do you know of another?” Jenny did, the raven called out a few more ingredients, “Now stir it.” “All done, pull out that glass vial and scoop some of it out, be careful not to touch though.” She did so again, the potion glowed an eerie yellow. “That there is Star Shoot, if you throw it on the ground it will create a giant fumes, when inhaled can cause very severe nausea, fever, rarely blindness, or even death. Very painful revenge.” the raven crowed. Jenny smiled. “Do you think E would take me on as an apprentice?” “If you grow into a skilled witch yes, otherwise it will just be magic and you.”

Discord name: FluffyBirdie

Book: n/a

Word count:  233 / 500

Type: non-fiction, human author
Curiosity killed the cat...but power brought it back

No one dared to touch the blue veins, snaking through the earth like the roots of some great tree. Those who did suffered, received strange powers that they misused, leading to some chaotic disasters. But I have a theory. You need to touch these veins with a will, with a goal. And your wish shall be granted.

Sure, the only proof I have are the fae and dragonfolk, who seem to have powers beyond our comprehension. But they gather around their capital, named Iriverse, a city positioned on top of a large grouping of those veins. If they were harmful, the natives would avoid it. We may be different species, but there are universal things that kill all living creatures, and I do not believe this is one.

So I touched it, willing for ice abilities akin to the ones I see the elves use. I hate the heat, you see.

It takes a while to get used to your powers, understandably. But the rewards are insane. No human can ever dare to match you, and if they banish you, sure. I had never needed a society; I'm sure those reading who are well educated would understand my stance. Touch these veins with a dream, and come to me, in the hut off the north of Iriverse, by the lake in the Oxwood trees.

I expect to see great things from my students.


[SIZE=9pt]Magic & You[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Author: Pansy Peterson [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]To some creatures, magic comes naturally. To others, it doesn't. Sometimes, even among the race of magical creatures, there are some individuals who aren't magically inclined. For those unfortunate souls among us who find themselves with a lack of magic, there is still hope. After generations of research, experiments, breakthroughs and horrific failures, I have concocted the solution; a potion that will grant you magic! It is not quite perfect yet; the effects aren't permanent and will wear off after a while. But while it lasts, there's magic. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] I have to warn you: this potion is not for the faint-hearted. It requires some rare ingredients, a difficult and long process time, and a strong stomach. But if you succeed, it will be well worth it. Let's get brewing![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]3 Eyes of Newt[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]2 tablespoons of Wolf's Milk[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 Lion's Tooth[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 Little Dragon[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 drop of Blood of a Goose[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]2 Bat's Wings[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 Hawk's Heart[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 Hundred Eyes[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]a pinch of Unicorn Root[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 cup of Blood[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]1 litre of water[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]a secret ingredient[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]a heat-resistant kettle[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]an oaken ladle[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]a mortar[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]a glass flask[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]a cooking fire[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Put the water in the kettle and heat it to exactly 78 degrees Celsius. Let it sit at this temperature for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]While the water heats up, grind the Eyes of Newt, Lion's Tooth and Unicron Root in the mortar. When it's a smooth paste, add 1 Bat's wing to this mixture. Grind until smooth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In the flask, mix the Wolf's Milk and the cup of Blood. Swirl to ensure it mixes well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] Add the contents of the flask and mortar to the water. Stir counterclock-wise only![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Bring the mixture to a boil at 100 degrees. Let it boil for 4 days.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Grind the remaining Bat's wing, Hawk's Heart and Hundred Eyes in the mortar until a smooth paste. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Add this to the mixture in the kettle, and stir clock-wise only! Let it sit for 23 minutes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Take the kettle off the heat and let it cool to 46 degrees. Once the temperature reaches this exact limit at de drop of Blood of a Goose. Don't stir![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]And now comes the final step, the most crucial of all, involving the secret ingredient; belief! All you have to do is believe this potion will grant you magic. Pour your every fibre into believing it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Believe, and you shall have magic.[/SIZE]


Unknown Author

The town Gatsby is-or should I say, was-an extremely popular town. Full of laughter, and riches. Everyone there considered themselves extravagant, full of swagger.

It was a wonder that they didn’t float off into space with how full of hot air their heads were, although maybe their thick skulls prevented them, they weren’t the smartest folk.

Their extravagant ways ended up to be their downfall.

Each year on the town’s anniversary they threw extravagant parties, this year was their one hundredth, and they planned to make it extra special. The mayor ordered everyone to attend the party. There were so many sparklers, fireworks, confetti, so much noise, so many lights.  

Nobody really knows what happened, there are very few accounts of what happened, but something went wrong with the fireworks, the whole place was extremely flammable,

The only reason I survived was because I was out of town, I was just outside of the town, it was so bright, so many flames. The screams still haunt me to this day. I ran to Imagine Nation, the nearest town, but it was to late.

There were no survivors.

And I lost everything that day.

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Discord name: FluffyBirdie

Book: Gatsby

Word count: 145 / 500

Type: Fiction, fae author
Simple Struggles

An ancient writer, Tyconae, coined the term 'Gatsby' for someone who 'gets by' life. He used this term freely to describe both those who are wealthy enough to get by without ever lifting a finger, and those toiling and barely getting by on a day-to-day basis. Those who work hard and those who are hardly working. "That woman was a Gatsby," one would say, or "indeed that dragon is a friend of Gatsby." Naming your child Gatsby was a risky one; akin to naming them Success or Wellbeing, or Happiness. It may sound like a name to you humans (I have heard that this is already done?), but for us fae the word is a proper noun. You wouldn't name your offspring "Imagine Nation" now would you?

Regardless, don't give up. Be a Gatsby, and keep getting by in life. We'll all get there, someday.
