You see, this brings me back to my original point and the reason I support the free posting of relevant news. "... should we ever decide to post here...". It is incredibly combative stance to take for something of little consequence to the site or it's reputation. Considering @Cybura has already responded, there is little drama remaining where that is concerned, and his responses were simple and to the point, which was amazingly handled.We would prefer that all updates about the site be made by an official representative of the site to avoid any drama or misunderstandings, should we ever decide that we wish to post here.
To add, being as I reside in the United States, and enjoy certain privileges afforded to free speech, and I believe that the members of this site be free to post any information they feel is useful to the community. The information posted was available to a wide user-base, as well as a cross-post to Aywas also if I read the screenshot correctly. @Navy did a fair job posting screenshots that pertain to the site going up to sell, the other content shows no real drama - while going out of the way to censor any user information in the screenshots to protect others. I applaud them for their honesty and respect in this situation.
Unless you would love to offer me a compelling reason why I should say only you can discuss FF here, then I see no reason why this topic is inappropriate, or the posting of any public (or member) view-able news cannot be posted. This community is built on transparency, and I stand by being well... transparent.
Now that being said, I would encourage that you feel free to make an official statement or offer news on what is happening now. After all, if you want to control information, you cannot expect to conceal or not report it - it doesn't really work that way does it?
For the rest of the members, I support news posts like this, I support the free posting of news relating to sites that tells us what is happening. I support it because I feel it is important to be supportive of the community as well as the industry as a whole. Restriction of content because it is uncomfortable isn't a reason to restrict it. The reason I clearly stated that news could be added by anyone is to create an environment of open communication. When such things are put to the sites owners, nothing is ever really known or shared, and we all suffer for it.
Since this situation is still developing, I see no reason at this time to lock or remove this thread. I would encourage anyone with updated news to post it to keep the community up to date. Should @Niabi wish to offer official statements here as well, we would happily welcome the official responses.If at any point @Digital wishes to lock or even remove this thread, I will support that decision 100%.