Felisfire's Potential Sale and Other Developments

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We would prefer that all updates about the site be made by an official representative of the site to avoid any drama or misunderstandings, should we ever decide that we wish to post here.
You see, this brings me back to my original point and the reason I support the free posting of relevant news. "... should we ever decide to post here...". It is incredibly combative stance to take for something of little consequence to the site or it's reputation. Considering @Cybura has already responded, there is little drama remaining where that is concerned, and his responses were simple and to the point, which was amazingly handled.

To add, being as I reside in the United States, and enjoy certain privileges afforded to free speech, and I believe that the members of this site be free to post any information they feel is useful to the community. The information posted was available to a wide user-base, as well as a cross-post to Aywas also if I read the screenshot correctly. @Navy did a fair job posting screenshots that pertain to the site going up to sell, the other content shows no real drama - while going out of the way to censor any user information in the screenshots to protect others. I applaud them for their honesty and respect in this situation.

Unless you would love to offer me a compelling reason why I should say only you can discuss FF here, then I see no reason why this topic is inappropriate, or the posting of any public (or member) view-able news cannot be posted. This community is built on transparency, and I stand by being well... transparent.

Now that being said, I would encourage that you feel free to make an official statement or offer news on what is happening now. After all, if you want to control information, you cannot expect to conceal or not report it - it doesn't really work that way does it? :D  

For the rest of the members, I support news posts like this, I support the free posting of news relating to sites that tells us what is happening. I support it because I feel it is important to be supportive of the community as well as the industry as a whole. Restriction of content because it is uncomfortable isn't a reason to restrict it. The reason I clearly stated that news could be added by anyone is to create an environment of open communication. When such things are put to the sites owners, nothing is ever really known or shared, and we all suffer for it.

If at any point @Digital wishes to lock or even remove this thread, I will support that decision 100%.
Since this situation is still developing, I see no reason at this time to lock or remove this thread. I would encourage anyone with updated news to post it to keep the community up to date. Should @Niabi wish to offer official statements here as well, we would happily welcome the official responses.

@Navy I personally believe that if you are posting to state that FF is up for sale, then it should have been left as that, rather than spreading drama... ^ ^' Like it's really the business of the FF community, for us to handle and resolve, not to be spread to people who don't even actually play FF. But, I guess you can post whatever you want, but I think the drama should have been left out.

@runeowl I am pretty sure at this point, everyone knows who I am, even on this forum, my username can be changed to "lyro" if need be, I am not at all hiding, only reason for this username is because I planned to just promote my game here and that is it... but apparently... I need to do other things as well.

I have made my reply to the forums of FF, and that will be my only reply, just as this will be my only reply to this thread.

@Digital Let me know your thoughts on how this should have been handled, like if @Navy should have just left it to speaking about the sale of FF, or if drama should have been brought to it. And also if the added info besides site sale should have been posted by the Owner instead. I am not sure how these types of things are handled here.
@Cybura: Sometimes the biggest creators of drama at times are the pet site owners themselves and not the members of the site itself. One needs to learn to be a bit more tactful as well as to try avoid using the word drama in this type of circumstances as it is a relatively overused word. If one tries to restrict content of news too much the site itself can become a type of Dictatorship. Information needs to flow whether it is good or bad but it should do so in a way that doesn't generate bias on either end. It needs to state the facts of both sides to show the opinions of each one. A news writer must have no bias regardless of the outcome.

One must be cautious to not create a mountain from a molehill. Your emotions as a petsite owner Cybura need to be kept in check otherwise you can paint your website as a bad picture. Your leader of it and need to  remain calm and gentle even when things are out of your control.


I can see now that you intend to thrive off of the controversy of this thread and of the misfortune of FF and do not actually care about how it impacts the users or staff. I never stated that others were not allowed to discuss FF. I welcome it. However, anything along the lines of official updates should be left to official members of the Felisfire administration because at least then it would be valid information. But it seems that you have no interest so long as there is some kind of information to boost activity. I am disappointed in how this situation is being handled, and I see no reason why I should even continue bothering with it. Given your post, you seem to have no respect for me or my concerns towards the site I am trying to keep together during this time. If this is how you intend to treat users who come to you with legitimate concerns, then I see no reason to make an official statement on the behalf of Felisfire or to further affiliate myself with this forum. I have greater concerns at the moment than being played for entertainment. 

I am sure the drama will continue here, but I am taking myself out of this situation. It's just not worth arguing over. I know where FF stands, and I know where I stand. We do not have time to deal with something like this.

@Niabi I don't think that is a fair assessment, nor do I see any so-called drama being started here.  This thread is simply stating the facts of what is happening with regards felisfire.  If staff want to dispute anything that has been said then they are free to do so, I fail to see how that is not entirely fair...

To @Niabi - I do not disregard any members legitimate issues being brought forth. It does not mean I agree with the issue being presented, and I follow our community guidelines in this way. This topic breaks none of our community guidelines, and you have not yet shown any evidence to show this topic is creating any drama anywhere.

Much like yourself, you must respect that I have a community to nurture and grow, I am not going to stop a topic because a representative of a site says so, while they have made it clear they will not participate in further officially representing the topic or actually giving any evidence to their claim. It just doesn't work that way, and is unfair to anyone else who may be following the topic. I apologize if this bothers you, but I treat every member here fairly and special treatment does not exist, and have done nothing but show every member with respect in regards to being fair and honest.

If you can show any ill will being presented in this thread that has caused legitimate harm, please feel free to bring it to me privately. Let's move on.

To everyone else, this topic will remain open for updates as they become available, and anyone is welcomed to participate.

I wonder if the new owner will be able to pay in monthly chunks or if the whole sum needs to be transferred over at once?

I wonder if the new owner will be able to pay in monthly chunks or if the whole sum needs to be transferred over at once?
It's gotta be monthly or yearly, sadly. I work in a server/site industry. Unless perhaps it's someone's private server, but then they would need a server admin.

Besides the strangeness surrounding the fiances, it could be interesting if someone actually breathed some life into the game. I played it for a very short while before I got bored, as I'm not a big fan of SIM games where your pets age/die/become useless, but I can see the appeal. 

@Niabi - While I can certainly understand wanting "official" updates to come from staff members or Slash himself - I would also venture out to say that, if it's being posted on FF and a screenshot is being shared, it's not any different than hearing it straight from the horse's mouth, so-to-speak. It's just a guarantee that the TGL community will actually see/get those pertinent updates, and not sitting back and hoping that a staff member eventually decides to post that update here. And reading through the thread, I don't get the impression it would be shared here at all.
In the end, it's all the same exact information, just not straight from you/other staff.

That being said, I don't see sharing the relevant screenshots as an attempt to paint FF in a negative light at all. It's going through transitions, users are worried/expressing concerns, and they're getting answers to questions they've been wondering about. Sharing that Q&A shouldn't paint FF in any negative light, simply because it's being shared outside of FF.
Any potential new user or, if it comes down to it, new owner who's not a part of the site already, deserves to know what's going on behind the scenes before moving ahead. I'd expect it of any other game going through growing pains.

I had forgotten about FelisFire!

I wish them the best of luck finding a new owner, and I hope the game doesn't rot or isn't taken down due to a lack of sale. It's always sad to see a game in our niche go. It had an interesting premise but I was younger and pretty confused by sim games. I had some pretty basic and garrish lil alien cats but I loved them haha! It would be neat to give it another try later.

Petsites usually don't have the best of luck when reselling to a new owner, so I can understand staff being picky and I'm glad they looked within the game's community first.

If felisfire is up for sale, how much is it?

I usually pay for servers in 5 year chunks.

what does slash want with royalties/income revenue? If he just wants a manager and someone to pay for server space, thats no prob. 

my server is currently paid for, for 3 years.

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@Zrcalo - From what we know which is little due to the hostility of FF's official staff, we know that Slash was asking for $10,000 for the purchase of the site. All the information pointed towards him wanting to sell it outright, not just have someone manage it.

For the community at large, updates are now much more sparse, it appears @Navy has been banned from FF, with her ban stating that she broke multiple terms in their TOS, no staff has responded to her requests of why or what terms. I am not going to get into the back and forth, but wanted the community to be aware of this event. @Niabi, who basically did not hide her discontent at this post has not responded (to my knowledge) to any request as to why either.

Well, I hope he finds a buyer. 10k is nothing to sneeze at. 
with the toxicity and reputation, I doubt he'd get that much for it unless he sold it to a corporation that didnt know what they were getting themselves into.  It'll be interesting to sit back and watch how this plays out.

My prediction is that the site will just go offline one day and collect dust.

Seems too coincidental to not be related. Sloppy handling by FF staff, imo. I'd be interested in a statement on this...

Seems too coincidental to not be related. Sloppy handling by FF staff, imo. I'd be interested in a statement on this...
Although I would also, @Niabi has indicated earlier in this thread that they are not interested in participating in this community or offering any official statements.

I say, if they keep burying it, they'll incur the streisand effect.
tbh I didnt think much about it until they came here saying things about drama. 

From what I can tell (through myself and sources who have been monitoring), there is no news to update on this front. The threads are pretty much dead where the sale is concerned. Keep in mind it doesn't mean it has sold or really that anything is going on.

The general pattern in the thread is that there were a few serious offers, however shortly afterward Slash released the financials, and other staff were encouraging others to be serious about it. Since it has been a few weeks, either a sale is pending, or there were no serious offers.

From what I can tell (through myself and sources who have been monitoring), there is no news to update on this front. The threads are pretty much dead where the sale is concerned. Keep in mind it doesn't mean it has sold or really that anything is going on.

The general pattern in the thread is that there were a few serious offers, however shortly afterward Slash released the financials, and other staff were encouraging others to be serious about it. Since it has been a few weeks, either a sale is pending, or there were no serious offers.
To update on this, it appears a new owner is in place, in respect to the new owner, I will be locking this thread, in time I hope that staff at FelisFire can consider TGL to be a great place to post news and game updates!

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