Felisfire's Potential Sale and Other Developments

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New member
Around June 6th or 7th of this year, Felisfire went down and was completely inaccessible.  It came back up sometime early on the 9th. The following screenshots document the
fundraising process before the site went down and what has occurred on the site since the site came back online.

News posts and comments on news posts are directly from Felisfire's on-site news section.

Forum posts are from a thread started on Felisfire's forums. The thread was created with intent to find a possible way to buy the site (in an effort to "save" the site, so to speak).

(All usernames other than the site owner, programmer, and head admin have been blurred.)

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Wow...:(. I feel so sorry for the other staff members, they had no idea what was going on this entire time :/  Who is the owner of Felisfire? Or is it a joint ownership?

Keep us posted on the developments, @Navy!

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An interesting series of screenshots, thanks for sharing. I haven't been on FF in ages.

According to the news, Slash (also owner of its 'sister site' Aywas) owns FelisFire, but had signed over management to @Cybura (aka Lyro) to run the kickstarter and manage the entire site fully and without oversight, I believe. So the downtime and any issues aren't Slash's fault.

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Shoot. The screenshots got a little messed up somehow. Sorry about that, everyone! 

I'm keeping an eye on things there. I'll be sure to post anything new that I think is relevant.

@runeowl Ahh....I see. It was very trusting of Slash to sign something over like that without being able to see revenue. I really hope that gets worked out.

@Navy Thanks! :)

@Navy I personally believe that if you are posting to state that FF is up for sale, then it should have been left as that, rather than spreading drama... ^ ^' Like it's really the business of the FF community, for us to handle and resolve, not to be spread to people who don't even actually play FF. But, I guess you can post whatever you want, but I think the drama should have been left out.

@runeowl I am pretty sure at this point, everyone knows who I am, even on this forum, my username can be changed to "lyro" if need be, I am not at all hiding, only reason for this username is because I planned to just promote my game here and that is it... but apparently... I need to do other things as well.

I have made my reply to the forums of FF, and that will be my only reply, just as this will be my only reply to this thread.

@Digital Let me know your thoughts on how this should have been handled, like if @Navy should have just left it to speaking about the sale of FF, or if drama should have been brought to it. And also if the added info besides site sale should have been posted by the Owner instead. I am not sure how these types of things are handled here.

I am the HA of Felisfire, and I suppose to avoid this thread turning into drama against FF's staff, coder, and owner I will add in my two cents. Since this is not a thread created by anyone related to FF's staff or ownership, I'm going to suggest @Digital step in and review this situation before it gets out of hand. It is my full intent to protect my staff and my user base with my following statements and to keep drama from affecting them.

To begin with, up until this point no current staff member, including myself, was ever aware of the exact numbers made by FF each month. I was under the impression that revenue was low, therefore I promoted the sale, as any head admin would do in support of those who are in charge/own the site. In no way should members of my staff be held responsible for any of this mess. They knew as much as I did (that being very little). That being said, I now have access to the site revenue thanks to Slash and will be able to keep users updated on our goals. Now, as of the last time I spoke with Slash, we will continue to hold a sale to make up for the missing server fees. We fully intend to keep FF up and alive until a contractual agreement can be made between Slash and one of the interested parties who intend to purchase the site. While it is not the best situation, we are making the most out of it. Hopefully Slash will have sold the site in the next few weeks and we can begin the process of building the site up again. 

I have been in contact with one potential buyer and I can say that I am optimistic on how things will turn out. However, all such updates regarding the sale and what happens will be posted on Felisfire, not here. I have little interest in being dragged into an offsite drama thread when my attention should be on the users of Felisfire. Anyone can send me a message on FF if they wish to learn more or ask questions.

I'm curious to know what all the revenue went towards..... Speaking from some knowledge, with prior months revenue, a year could have easily been paid on the server

@Cybura @Niabi I do not think it was @Navy's intention to spread drama or anything of the sort to this thread, but to simply provide a discussion about the current going-ons of a game. If anyone used the word "drama", even, it was me; and even then, it was not used as a way to attack any staff members but as a way to describe the situation. All @Navy did was post screenshots of something that was unfolding, which was something that would have been read once users had checked out the site itself. 

I do hope the situation with the site gets resolved :)

@Niabi I hope you're not offended by the existence of this thread -- Please know I don't think anyone was trying to insult staff's efforts, we were simply interested in what was going on, as we're a forum made up of petsite enthusiasts. What you've said here in your response echoes throughout the screenshots, and I have high expectations for FF's continued popularity with a new owner. 

Good luck! 

The information in the threads are fair and do not insinuate or cause drama about anyone or anything in my opinion. They basically tell the story of a game going down, bills not being paid in a timely manner, and the owners intent to sell the site.

@Cybura Although I can appreciate your want to keep this out of the limelight, it already is public knowledge. As a forum that does appreciate gaming news in this industry, you can respect the fact that we must not hinder or remove any news posting that may make anyone uncomfortable. In this TGL remains neutral, much like any news or media organization does. Also, @Navy posted her thread with the intent of full transparency, and did nothing to make any false statements or create drama.

@Niabi Due to the fact that often times staff or official parties are not always willing to post such information, @Navy posting this thread is not entirely wrong, and she did so incredibly well by referencing posts and information that was available. Since this has been going on for a bit, either yourself or @Cybura, both staff members could of posted a statement. I can understand why you did not, and I respect that, however I do not see how this thread is out of line. Much like my statement above, I do not see any bad intent or creating of false information here.

That being said, I will be watching the thread, if it does get out of line, we will lock it (not remove it). If @Niabi would like to post updates in here, they are more then welcome to do so from a official standpoint. I am going to (hopefully correctly) assume that Cybura/Lyro will not be doing such.

Otherwise, everyone is free to comment on it, but please try and keep any drama to the minimum.

 I would hate to see this forum go down the same rocky road VPL went down. I talked to a few devs who refused to go near VPL for this reason. I think we should respect devs and owners if they wish to not have things like this posted.

 I would hate to see this forum go down the same rocky road VPL went down. I talked to a few devs who refused to go near VPL for this reason. I think we should respect devs and owners if they wish to not have things like this posted.
Although under normal circumstances this would make sense, the community also wanted more content in the form of news and updates from game sites. Just because a dev or owner doesn't want what they perceive as bad news posted, doesn't mean it isn't news or news-worthy - or in this case even negative. The reason I chose to make news posting a community thing, and not a owner or dev thing was to encourage this type of thing, even if it makes game owners or devs who don't participate slightly uncomfortable.

Owners and developers at VPL, and here also tend to not want to share information at all, and I think everyone suffers because of it.

If the post was demeaning or designed to create controversy, it would have locked or removed of course, but this post was open - without judgement from @Navy, and was only used to report that issues happened, and what was decided on. @Navy even went so far as to not name anyone's name involved directly in her post. Even perhaps helpful by saying "Hey, this game is for sale.", which is exactly what @Niabi asked the owner about doing. It provides visibility with minimal drama.

Personally, I think if they avoided VPL, it was due to a multitude of reasons, not just this issue alone. If developers and owners who end up in this position are concerned about drama from TGL - they have no reason to feel so. If anything, they should take it as an opportunity to get involved in the discussion and share official accounts of what is happening.

I appreciate hearing about this. I have an account on FelisFire, haven't longed on in forever but it was a fun game. At the time I was checking things out the economy was really poor so didn't necessarily stick too long, but the concept is neat. 

In general I like to keep up on any games for sale in the industry. One reason being is in case I want to buy myself. Of course not going to happen in this case since I don't have 10k lying around anywhere, :P too bad though and don't quite have the time to add another project to my list at the moment anyway. But still knowing it's for sale and the general cost is relevant to me as a game owner myself and just as a player and someone interested in the industry as a whole.

Of course knowing the financials being pulled in is pretty interesting as it helps to know that others in the industry are pulling in some. Keep in mind it's not really profit unless you make no updates, art, programming, etc... or have free labor available and your time is worth nothing as these games do need updates to continue pulling in financially. 

I personally as a game owner I have no problem with public information being released elsewhere and would not release any information to the public without knowing and being okay with that possibility. I would have a problem if staff or others posted private communication without permission however or if the reposted content was modified or put in a misleading manor in order manipulate what is being told especially in a negative light. 

I agree with Digital, it seems perfectly reasonable to post this as it was just information that was publicly available on felisfire and I believe felisfire is open for anyone to join/read the news? 

While I agree the information about the sale should be fair game for posting, I do not believe that any of the drama should have been added in as it seems rather unnecessary. Given the recent history of the site where we've had users go to other sites and try to bash Lyro and Slash, I do not want things to be posted that could be taken way out of context and negatively impact the site, especially when users could just ask questions and I'd be happy to answer them myself. There is a lot more to this than just the screenshots posted, but the screenshots are only showing the negative side of it. We would prefer that all updates about the site be made by an official representative of the site to avoid any drama or misunderstandings, should we ever decide that we wish to post here.

(Also, just to clarify, FF is not technically "open for anyone" as each and every application is looked over and decided upon by staff to make sure they reach the minimum criteria posed by the ToS. The news and forum are also not viewable unless you are a member.)

We would prefer that all updates about the site be made by an official representative of the site to avoid any drama or misunderstandings, should we ever decide that we wish to post here.
If that's your preference, then we'd also appreciate getting updates directly from the source.

In making this thread my intent was certainly not to paint the site in a negative light or any light at all. My intention was to share important developments within a pet site with the pet site community. No more, no less. If there is "positive" stuff I missed, I'd love to see it. I'm not being sarcastic or mean-spirited in the slightest when saying that either. I went through the information available to all Felisfire users. Yes, the screenshots don't show everything, but to post every single comment is silly. I did the best I could to show the relevant information to the developments the players have been told about publicly.

If at any point @Digital wishes to lock or even remove this thread, I will support that decision 100%.

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