Feedback: Additions to Game List

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New member
So, I wanted to reach out to our  @Game Owner group about what additions you feel you would like to see for your game listings? 

Right now they feel pretty sparse and simple, and I would love your feedback on what additional details you feel would make your game listing page feel more attractive for people checking them out.

I've been thinking this for a while, but maybe you could make it so you can only post news for games you submitted to the directory? So when you type into the "game" field, only games submitted by you should appear. This is mostly because I freak out about accidentally posting news to Wild Howlz instead of Wild Souls, since both names are similar so they both appear in the dropdown for me to click on. There could be exceptions for this, like maybe if you're part of a game's team you can get permission from the game owner (or whoever posted it to the directory) to post news for that game.

Another suggestion too, how about team listings for the game directory? So if a member of your team is also a member on TGL, there can be another tab called "team" where you can list all of the users involved and what their role is.

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Another suggestion too, how about team listings for the game directory?
I loved this and implemented it as far I can (at the moment). There is now a Team Member field on Games where members can be added, they display under the social media.

I have another one o3o
What about a simulation section? We have a pet sim section, but I mean a section where you are the animal/creature instead of taking care of it? Lioden for example wouldn't really fit into a "pet" section. This might not work at the moment though, since the niche is so small.

I've been thinking this for a while, but maybe you could make it so you can only post news for games you submitted to the directory? So when you type into the "game" field, only games submitted by you should appear. This is mostly because I freak out about accidentally posting news to Wild Howlz instead of Wild Souls, since both names are similar so they both appear in the dropdown for me to click on. There could be exceptions for this, like maybe if you're part of a game's team you can get permission from the game owner (or whoever posted it to the directory) to post news for that game.
I agree this would be awesome, but I am not aware within the current limits of the game option that such is filterable. It is something to look into though.

What about a simulation section? We have a pet sim section, but I mean a section where you are the animal/creature instead of taking care of it? Lioden for example wouldn't really fit into a "pet" section. This might not work at the moment though, since the niche is so small.
I would agree that such a section would be great, but I feel games for this are too small to make such a section really useful. What do other  @Game Owner 's think?


I've held off on making a Game Listing for Kasaria for a while, mostly because I wanted to be out of closed beta first, but from a design standpoint I might have a few suggestions!

First off, I think it would be very nice if the 6 featured games went by in a gallery slideshow option, or simply had a link to expand to see more games. (If those are featured/sponsored, disregard this! Just thought something a little more interactive might be nice!)

It might also be nice if there were little icons or some kind of visuals for the categories up top, similar to how the front page of the forums have icons.

The only other thing I'd want to add is maybe content checking by staff? Some listings have the same thing copy pasted for the Overview and Features section, and some don't even have game cover images.

Otherwise, it looks pretty well organized and there's lots of opportunities to show off a game!  :thumbsup:  
When I get some free time, I wouldn't mind filling in some games :)

First off, I think it would be very nice if the 6 featured games went by in a gallery slideshow option, or simply had a link to expand to see more games. (If those are featured/sponsored, disregard this! Just thought something a little more interactive might be nice!)
Right now they are there mostly as filler for what would be an empty space.

It might also be nice if there were little icons or some kind of visuals for the categories up top, similar to how the front page of the forums have icons.
Any  @Artist wants a go at making some icons that would fit the site, I would be happy to add them in :D

The only other thing I'd want to add is maybe content checking by staff? Some listings have the same thing copy pasted for the Overview and Features section, and some don't even have game cover images.
Today I added in the ability for  @Game Owner to lock a page down if they wish to control the content. Otherwise all pages are open game for editing by any member. All edits are revisioned, so we can easily see who does what. My original (and still goal) is to make our Game Directory as open for the community to maintain as possible. As always, Game's can be reported to us should something happen.

They are light in content as many games are basically made to seed it. They could always use to be updated further, so if anyone is willing to help that would be awesome. :heart:  

I think that there should be tags for each game listing or additional categories in according to the game's development status: e.g. if it's still in beta stage, if it's released to the public yet, etc. 

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