Does anyone have a contact for cybura?

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Game Owner
I have pmd him here and on his Facebook cybura page. Endless emails bouncing back. I paid us$500 for a portion of programming. He postponed the arrival time a couple of times and now emails keep on bouncing back. Tried emailing several times from different accounts over last ten days. Unfortunately I was stupid. He didn't want to pay fees with PayPal so told me send as gift. I paid off the amount over portion of time but too long has elapsed to do bank card dispute. Id much rather have my piece of programming anyway. So now I'm very upset and out us$500. The only email I have for him is [email protected]. Please can somebody, anybody help me? I can't afford to lose that sort of money! I was so looking forward to this programming being done :(  I hired him from the old virtual pet list forum. I'm really panicking here. Even just some advice on what the heck I can do would be appreciated!

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@Cybura is a member here at TGL as well, and are now mentioned in this topic. They will be notified when I post this, I will also reach out via a message letting them know of this topic so they may respond.

Yes I've tried pming him on here but have had no response to that either.
Cybura's profile says they have not been online since May 5th so may be some time before they reply, if they even return.

May I ask what the programming was for? I may be able to help?

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I think you may be out of luck on this one.

I haven't posted about this before because it's not my story to tell. I have personally narrowly avoided buying coding from Cybura (I didn't have the funds to pay upfront at the time), however, multiple people have told me about their bad experiences with this programmer. They didn't want to publicize anything for their own reasons, but I'll ask if they'll participate in this thread.

From what I've heard, Cybura pushes back deadlines many times, does not finish projects completely, asks for payment upfront and does not follow through, and conveniently disappears when confronted.

He owes someone else more than $500 from 2 years ago. 

For anyone that hasn't dealt with Cybura yet, please consider one of the many other programmers in this community. (Perhaps PaulSonny or Judda if you want to keep your sanity.)

Anyone wishing to accuse @Cybura of not completing work should display proof of such, or at least evidence moving forward in this topic.

Since this transaction most likely was intiated at VPL and not here, I am just playing mediator in hopes @Cybura clarifies their position and handles the situation.

In the case of the transaction originating in this marketplace, the facts would be asked and vetted much more deeply since it is important that trust is maintained where this marketplace is concerned.

He has done a couple of other pieces for me previously ($100-150) and yes always was late but have never experienced this before. I'm a patient person I understand things happen I just would like to be kept in the loop. If something going be late I like being told that not have to chase up ages after due date. I shouldn't have trusted sending as gift payment but I did, my silly mistake. This is my first time purchasing programming and I really want my game done :(  I really hope it's all just a mistake and I hear back, emailing everyday but just bouncing back is so sad for me.

programming is for my game at He was just doing the programming I've been doing layout text etc 

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i don't care if it's late it's just a lot of money for me on my limited wages and I'd really like my bit of programming done :(

thanks for the heads up anyway @SingSong. Once bitten twice shy. I don't know what to do now. I'm happy to pay for programming what little I have but I don't want to shell out money for nought

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Definitely never be suckered into sending payment via friend/family. That's a lot of money to lose. I hope you can get this sorted out. 

I've had similar experiences with them in the past as well.  I was fortunate enough to get the money back.

My past experiences with them:

Beginning of January, I contacted them for two reasons:

  1. To buy from them (they put it up for sale at the time)
  2. To do some coding for HellKeepers for me
At the time of the deal, they weren't willing to take less than $500 for, however, if I was willing to pay $200 for that, and $300 for the recode of VirtualPetDirectory (totaling $500), it was fine.  So, a deal was met.

I would pay $500, they would give me AND recode (due February 17th, 2017).

Around that time, he also posted on VPL looking for work, so I asked if my work would be prioritized as I had not only reached out first, but I had also committed multiple paid projects.

[2017-01-18, 3:18:07 PM] Chibi Lyro: Yeah, but I am going to finish up your task first and only 1 of those 3 so far is a potential ongoing job like yours but, I've managed multiple programming jobs before. But yeah, yours will be taken care of before I start any oif the others.

At this time, I also gave them $70 worth of work for HellKeepers.  All of these changes were committed to my git repository.  However, I checked a few things and they just didn't run.  It looked like they just rushed through the job to make the money without testing.

[2017-01-24, 6:27:56 AM] Chibi Lyro: Do I need to create a new branch for the changes?

[2017-01-24, 6:28:16 AM] Andrew Judd: feature/pdo-updates

[2017-01-24, 6:37:29 AM] Chibi Lyro: Do I do a merge request? Sorry... it's been a while since I last used git haha

[2017-01-24, 6:37:35 AM] Andrew Judd: yup

[2017-01-24, 6:40:50 AM] Chibi Lyro: Do I need to select anything for assignee?

[2017-01-24, 6:41:00 AM] Andrew Judd: select me

[2017-01-24, 6:41:36 AM] Chibi Lyro: Alright, submitted the request.

[2017-01-24, 6:44:01 AM] Andrew Judd: After this all of the pages functional?

[2017-01-24, 6:44:40 AM] Chibi Lyro: YEah, they have ome errors unrelated to the XSS or database object though.

[2017-01-24, 6:44:42 AM] Chibi Lyro: like:

[2017-01-24, 6:44:53 AM] Chibi Lyro: Notice: Undefined index: id

[2017-01-24, 6:45:04 AM] Andrew Judd: that’s fine that’s a notice

[2017-01-24, 6:45:20 AM] Andrew Judd: Merge Request Link (redacted for security)

[2017-01-24, 6:45:24 AM] Andrew Judd: Missing a )

[2017-01-24, 6:49:52 AM] Andrew Judd: Merge Request Link (redacted for security) <— shouldn’t be a function

[2017-01-24, 6:57:32 AM] Chibi Lyro: I fixed the numberOfRows() issue but I can't seem to find where I left out the ")"

[2017-01-24, 6:58:54 AM] Andrew Judd: Line 18 -   src/public/auctions/create.php

[2017-01-24, 6:59:34 AM] Chibi Lyro: Ahhh, I see now

As you can see in the chat history, just me doing a quick spot check (not even running the code), I noticed issues which would have been noticed had they actually run the code.  Needless to say I was a little disappointed.  But I persevered and had them work on another small change.

[2017-01-25, 1:03:19 AM] Chibi Lyro: Okay, updated, not 100% sure I implemented the way you intedned though. And somehow that took longer than the original task. (cwl) It was free but any tips are much appreciated. Oh, and let me know if I did it all wrong or if any errors or anything, I will fix as well.

This code yet again I looked at and saw visible issues which would have been caught by just visiting the page.  I was far from impressed.

At that time, I also noticed they had posted on VPL saying they would code "complete pet site projects" for a fairly low price, so I asked again if it would impact the deliverables, and they said no.

[2017-01-25, 3:58:05 PM] Andrew Judd: <-- how does that affect the rest of the work I have for you XD

[2017-01-25, 4:03:15 PM] Chibi Lyro: Depends if anyone is interested or not. I need funds pretty urgently... hmm.... Unless I just entirely take on your work, I wouldn't mind but I need to raise funds in a very short amount of time. Just how much work do you have and what does the budget look like? Like I said, I definitely wouldn't mind just working exclusively for you but... I have a deadline to get some funds atm is all.

[2017-01-25, 4:14:58 PM] Chibi Lyro: I need about $[Redacted Amount], $[Redacted Other Amount], to be exact. So I am willing to take on more work than the pay... not sure how to word that atm. XD So yeah, I am definitely willing to work and to do whatever it takes. I just urgently need the funds. Once I have those funds I'd take down that thread... I mean... 4 full games will be a bit of work, but like I said, if I have to then I would. But yeah, not sure if anyone will take the deal or not anyways.

[2017-01-25, 4:22:42 PM] Andrew Judd: i'm just curious how many people are going to be willing to pay that much upfront

[2017-01-25, 4:23:41 PM] Chibi Lyro: I usually get paid upfront, even more than $800 but... things change so I am not sure haha

[2017-01-25, 4:24:58 PM] Chibi Lyro: Though, what would you estimate the total of the jobs you have for me would amount to? Maybe I can work super fast or something... IDEK I am sure it's be near impossible to work faster than my deadline haha

[2017-01-25, 5:04:58 PM] Andrew Judd: not sure right now - depends on what I see out of VPD

[2017-01-25, 5:05:09 PM] Chibi Lyro: Okie

6 days after my last message (January 31st), I reached out asking how VPD was going since the original due date was February 17th.

[2017-01-31, 6:17:46 AM] Andrew Judd: Hey - How is VPD going?

[2017-01-31, 8:39:25 PM] Chibi Lyro: Going to start work on it soon, I have one last small job to get out of the way and then it will just be VPD. It will for sure be done before the 17th though!

[2017-01-31, 8:39:41 PM] Andrew Judd: Sounds good

[2017-01-31, 8:39:56 PM] Andrew Judd: can’t wait

February 9th comes, I message again and get crickets.  February 18th comes, still no word. I start to get a little worried at that point.

Then, on the 19th, I receive the following message:

[2017-02-19, 6:06:14 PM] Chibi Lyro: Hey, yeah, I need a bit more time, I've been a bit busy with life stuffs, like marriage is one thing, so pretty much just have laravel up and the layour setup but nothing more than that, so just another week and if I can't complete it by then, I will refund the $300 regardless of any work I put into it.

To which I responded:

[2017-02-20, 7:25:57 AM] Andrew Judd: Ok I'm a bit disappointed because I had a spark app up and running in the repo back when I paid you and you had over a month and yeah...

Which was our last piece of communication.  However, on February 25th, I received $382 CAD (all other transactions were in USD) to my PayPal account from "Exceed Games".  Which I assume is another one of his businesses.

I sent you a PM with an email address I got early in the conversations.  Hopefully, that will allow you to get a hold of them.


Definitely one and the same then as exceed games via PayPal was where I was making payments to.

thanks for the alternate email. I'll try that now and keep you updated.

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Just notified of this topic. I responded to your email today when I saw it, I think you recently sent. The emails bounced from my other email because the private email service needs to be renewed. We had a similar issue before, except it was your email that had expired. I was responding to you but they kept bouncing and then you filed a paypal dispute and we got in contact and figured out it was an issue with your email. Rest assured, I am not going to take your money and run. I refunded @Judda and even refunded you at one point when there was going to be a delay in work and you were worried, this is the third time assignment you are having me work on and payments were made until paid in full. Please check your email for the current status. And yes I currently owe 2 people a refund and have been making payments on them, as slow as it may be... but I can only do what I can. One of those people, I did a good portion of programming and still am giving them a full refund and let the keep the code, the other, it was a mistake I had made with my pet game framework that I already built, which is now fixed, but they decided to move on to another programmer anyways and I offered them a refund, even though I could have completed the work, they felt the need to move to another programmer and I understand and respect that decision. But yeah, I will still make payments when I can and haven't forgotten. But as I said, check your email for current status of your project.

I am disappointed that I had to scout out an alternate email and make this post to make contact and it should have been completed ages ago as per your eta. This was my last resort to post here to get that alternate contact. I just wish you had contacted me with your alternate contact. I will update when I receive the code as paid for.

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