As you might have noticed recently, there has been a slight change in the colours chosen for the groups on here.
This is to make your ranking pop, keeping in line with the vibrancy of our headers background, we hope you like the change.
We have also added an exact copy of the ranking system on here with a new channel called Role-Activation on our Discord, this will allow us to make sure that we add roles to the correct users. Simply put your username in that chat, questing that your roles are activated and once we're done we'll remove your message. It's really that simple!
Here is an example of the new versus the old colours scheme:
If you have got any more suggestions for changes to the forums or Discord server, then feel free to direct them to me or @Digital. We'd love to hear what you think of these changes too!
This is to make your ranking pop, keeping in line with the vibrancy of our headers background, we hope you like the change.
We have also added an exact copy of the ranking system on here with a new channel called Role-Activation on our Discord, this will allow us to make sure that we add roles to the correct users. Simply put your username in that chat, questing that your roles are activated and once we're done we'll remove your message. It's really that simple!
Here is an example of the new versus the old colours scheme:

If you have got any more suggestions for changes to the forums or Discord server, then feel free to direct them to me or @Digital. We'd love to hear what you think of these changes too!
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