Heya! It's time for another update! And there are some exciting previews for you as well!
So, first thing's first! That Auction House is now open, meaning you can now auction off any of your items (up to 12 in an auction). You can select the bid currency, starting price, minimum increment, duration, and even provide a description for your auction!
Next, show off your valuables or achievements you are proud of in your showroom! Citizens can view your showroom from your profile, be sure to stock it up with all sorts of shinIes, or have a themed showroom!
Also, we have added a bit of an incentive for citizens to be more socially active, you will now earn currency when engaging in or starting a new discussion (< 21 words = 1 Coin/Byte, < 41 words = 2 Coins/Bytes, < 61 words = 3 Coins/Bytes, < 100 words = 4 Coins/Bytes, >= 100 words = 5 Coins/Bytes) (x2 for bulletin board posts) (5 Coins/Bytes for new discussions). The amount of currency earned is double when responding to a bulletin board post, so be sure to leave your thoughts on this one.

And now, for the Gardening update! There are two new seed pouches available for use while gardening, Grass Sees and Wheat Seeds, these both will be beneficial for the Nest Location feature, so be sure to start growing and harvesting now.
The axe has also been added, so no more breaking twigs with a hammer! Oh, and speaking of twigs, these can now be collected using the glove tool and will be added to your travel bag, these are also essential for nest locations.

Seeds are now available in the Gardening Supplies store as well as the Token Shop, which also has quite a few new items of it's own. Be sure to visit and take a look at the new companion-related items that are available, like Gene Vials, Opacity affecting Cream, and even Sex Changing Potions!

Purchasing a Gene Vial from the Token Shop will allow you to choose the desired hex color of the gene but some vials are available in the new shop Wonderfully Vial, which will stock randomly colored Gene Vials, each vial reflects the color it will give.
Along with that news, you may now send a gift of Tokens or Alpha/Beta Access to anyone via their email address, so even if they are not yet a citizen of Cybura, you can still send to them and they will receive a redemption code to use once they become a citizen, pretty neat huh?
And here are some honorable mentions of some smaller changes:
1. Email activation for new accounts.
2. Event Text is now static, no need to wait for it to "type out".
3. Newsletter emails are now being sent out via MailChimp, so no need to worry about the duplicate email bug, and also ensures everyone gets a copy.
4. Age Added to Companion's Profile
2. Event Text is now static, no need to wait for it to "type out".
3. Newsletter emails are now being sent out via MailChimp, so no need to worry about the duplicate email bug, and also ensures everyone gets a copy.
4. Age Added to Companion's Profile
Another important notice is that Staff Applications are now open! There is a bit more activity on Cybura, as well as more planning, support, and things of that nature that needs to be done and is now a bit too challenging for one guy to handle. ? Though, I have been receiving a bit of help from @Spitfyre, so, let's officially welcome them as an Official! Apply to become an Official by following the instructions in This Discussion, that is located in the Official's Headquarters. Also, here is a word from our new Official:
"Greetings! Welcome! Howdy!
I'm Spitfyre, your friendly neighborhood head admin. Please, feel free to call me Spitfyre or Fyre. I'm never incredibly fond of the somewhat inevitable "Spit", but as long as I know you're talking to me, you're sure to get a response. I'm available if you have any questions. Please feel free to reach out to me, my PMs and DMs are always open. I might not always get back to you immediately since I do work a full time job, but I will always get back to you as soon as I can. I promise I don't bite, even if my characters Sli and Mac probably would. I'm much more friendly than they are."
And now for something I have been a bit excited to release! We have commissioned a map of the ACZ to clear up the many and rather boring nav links, and also paint a better picture of the ACZ! It is still W.I.P at the moment and some things are being changed like the font size of the text, but let us know what you think of the lined version, and say hello to a much easier way to navigate.
(*a little voice whispers* And roleplay imagery)

That's it for this update, and the next update will be a rather large one with the explore map and... *drumroll* ... NEST LOCATIONS! So that means you will be able to hatch some of those lovely eggs soon enough!