Community Manager / Virtual Assistant wanted for Horse Reality (PAID)


Game Owner
Hey guys!

I'm currently super swamped with work for Horse Reality. The game has grown a lot in the past few months and I really need extra hands.
As for the community, the largest group is 16+ and goes to school or has a job. We do have a few younger players, but they're mostly in the minority.
We try to take the concerns, ideas and suggestions of our players to the next level. But to do that I need more people who can help gather those ideas and keep the community under control.

We went from about 30-ish players online in beta to 200 - 400 players online at the same time. The forum is getting a bit flooded and I don't have time to respond to every message anymore. Tasinei is already doing a wonderful job, but with 2 people it's still a lot of work.

What I'd need your help with: 

  • Respond to our FB and Instagram channels.
  • Keep our Discord and the forum in check.
The person I'm looking for is someone who can speak English (if you also speak Dutch that'd be a definite plus). You know how to work with crowds and write in a way that is easy for others to understand, while also considering their opinion and feelings. We want to give everyone a good feeling on the forum and while playing the game. So you try to prevent any intense discussions wherever that'd be (socials, discord, forum, etc). We have had a few clashes on the forum lately, as I am not always able to communicate clearly what I mean to say (I'm originally Dutch). So having someone who could help with that would be great, without hurting others. The Discord could also use some extra pairs of eyes, as sometimes things get heated over there as well.

I mainly use Discord and (sometimes Skype to video chat). Podio is used for everyone's tasks (I can show/teach you). Besides that, I have 1password for all passwords.

Let me know if you would be able to help out and what your hourly rate is for payment. Payment would go via Paypal and you'd need to sign a contract.
Send me a PM or contact me via [email protected]

Update: We have found a few promising candidates and will be interviewing soon. For now, applications are closed. Once we know more, we'll update here :)  
