Senior Member
I built this new color pallete for my website using the Level 3 RGB pattern. The pallete I had to work with consist of only 27 color options of which there is only 5 dark colors and 12 light ones which are usual by users with color deficiencies. The two darks I used are first red(800000) and first blue(000080). The two lights I used are second green first blue(00ff80), first red mixed with cyan (80ffff). I don't know how good these color combinations are for a petsite but the other colors I had to choose from were too shiny. I wanted to create sort of a calming interface.
View attachment 679
I don't know if this is the correct style to use but my color choices are kind of limited to just greens and blues with exceptions of 2 yellows and 1 red as well as white.
I'd like the communities advice on this before deciding on a particular color pattern to use for my websites default. I may give users the option latter to change the color pattern to something else if they so desire as long as the color pattern is see able by users with poor color sight.
Any advice?
View attachment 679
I don't know if this is the correct style to use but my color choices are kind of limited to just greens and blues with exceptions of 2 yellows and 1 red as well as white.
I'd like the communities advice on this before deciding on a particular color pattern to use for my websites default. I may give users the option latter to change the color pattern to something else if they so desire as long as the color pattern is see able by users with poor color sight.
Any advice?