Calling past TeriPets Users


New member

After a few attempts over the years, I've managed to snag

Huge win for myself nostalgia-wise, however I do fully intend (and have the ability to) bring it back, from the ground-up, avoiding any potential issues regarding art.

Obviously this is gonna take a lil while, but in the meantime I'd love to hear about what people remember regarding TeriPets - i.e. features in general, what drew you to the game, and such!

There's a lot I personally remember, but I don't remember it all (I was a young teen at the time) - I just want to make sure I'm able to re-create a faithful, but modern, remake of the site.

If there are artists happy with recreating the TeriPets style (I still have some TeriPets-inspired original artworks I commissioned many years back which I'll be using in the interim, will share those once I get things settled), feel free to ping me/reply and I'll get a discord link over to you regarding some commissions - otherwise I'll be sure to post once I've established some more details


Hey! This is really exciting to see in 2024, over 10 years ((;__;)) since the site died. I was known as Feral on there. Teripets has a really special place in my heart.

I would love to be involved with your project!

Gosh, Teripets was my favorite site growing up! I specifically remember the training/battle dome stuff and some of the site events. 

I'd also be happy to help, though I'm not sure if my digital art skills are quite up to snuff to recreate the original Teripets' style. If I can assist with anything (writing, artwork, etc) though, I'd be happy to help!

I was an avatar artist on Teripets and Verpets. It’s been at least… 15 years… at least… right?
