Aethria is Coming! (Inkborne, Seraphel, Teripets etc)

I still have the entire teripets site but scapped developing it as a site of its own due to backlash from former artists.  I still hope to some day include a "teripets land" of some kind into aethria.  I had toyed with the idea of putting the old teripets site back up and just dealing with individual artist complaints as they came, but unfortunately that would require an operating budget, and these days people are just not willing to spend on petsites like they used to, so I can't support it financially.

I'm curious what you mean by "backlash from former artists". 

Feel like people are willing to spend on the right game, but generating interest is harder than it used to be since there's much more competition than there used to be. 

Basically artists were claiming they were owed money for art.  Other artists said no, there was never any cash payment given for art, and no one was promised any pay, that they were paid in site perks.  The former owner also told me that no one was owed or promised money.  But it basically ended up in a big ugly mess that stymied development.  I had put a lot of resources already into the site, after purchasing it and buying new art etc, and the prospect of funneling more money and effort into it only to end up with a lot of ugliness surrounding the site just wasn't appealing.  I'd like to see the site go back up for old time's sake, but it's not a modern game in any way, shape, or form and would never be a high-earning game in its current form, unless people are lots more nostalgic than I think they are :P

Shame that a game that seems to be memorable to many people was derailed by drama. 

I guess if anything can be said about such a thing is that it can serve as a lesson learned on the game you're currently devoted to. Not just in how artists could or should be compensated -- but about how things might go should things go South like they inevitably seem to do for any project. 

Knowing how to PR is an invaluable skill. 

You are already demonstrating a great skill there; your honesty about what had happened. And it is appreciated. 

It may be worth-it to have a General Interest Survey when you have time. The people you often hear about are the so-called Vocal Minority. Those who cry and scream loudest about things that may not be in the best interests of the general population.

How do you know what the General Population wants? You ask them. 

You can also look at data, but that doesn't come until later in this case. ?

What I've found, especially around here, is that there are more people lurking than they are talking. So you can't really use what people say as a good indicator for what they want. You may have to make a case and throw up a poll for that. And don't get discouraged if one or two people tell you otherwise -- especially if the data shows otherwise. 
