So, here are the updates for today. But first:
I want to offer a great big thank you to @Hare, who has graciously offered to create 5 quick Adoptables for us for free, I can showcase (and I mean tease everyone) with two of them here today!
To tease you guys a little, I am just going to hint at the eggs in this post. Both eggs will be free come launch, so you will have to figure out what they become.
Now back to our scheduled updates:
As stated before, screenshots are from my local development machine, images are not final and were used for testing.
What's next?
So, outside of some admin stuff, and general clean up, we are getting close to where I feel comfortable releasing it on this board. I am hoping you guys will be up to being my initial testers and beating it to death to iron out any issues I have missed. The goal is still to launch Friday.
I want to offer a great big thank you to @Hare, who has graciously offered to create 5 quick Adoptables for us for free, I can showcase (and I mean tease everyone) with two of them here today!
To tease you guys a little, I am just going to hint at the eggs in this post. Both eggs will be free come launch, so you will have to figure out what they become.
Now back to our scheduled updates:
As stated before, screenshots are from my local development machine, images are not final and were used for testing.
- Power has a new look, a little orange lightening bolt across the site
So, not really a huge change, but now where Power is referenced, it shows a little orange bolt icon to reference it.
View attachment 57
- New Item that allows customized backdrops to be uploaded
Now have the ability to upload your own image when buying a backdrop. This will most likely be a premium item.
View attachment 58
- New Item that allows you upload a customized image of your pet
Along with the customized backdrop, we now have an item that will allow you to upload a new pet image. This I hope will encourage custom pets to appear where their owners have decked them out. This will be a premium item for purchase.
View attachment 59
- Pets now have their own page, with their descriptions, and this allows your pets to be rated and shared
Every pet now has their own page, that shows a larger (256x256) image of the pet, along with the description. Also on their page, you will find a range of buttons to share the page on popular social media, as well as rate the pets. This page will grow in features in time, as we can do much more with it.
View attachment 56
What's next?
So, outside of some admin stuff, and general clean up, we are getting close to where I feel comfortable releasing it on this board. I am hoping you guys will be up to being my initial testers and beating it to death to iron out any issues I have missed. The goal is still to launch Friday.