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    Wild Howlz is to Return

    Hello there, owner and founder of Wild Howlz here with a very important update! I realize it's been about 9 months since I last had anything completed or information posted regarding Wild Howlz. The main reason was a combination of financials and a bit of negativity that had centered itself...
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    Semi-Realistic Artist for Hire: Assets and Creatures

    Welcome! I've been a gaming artist for 5+ years now but have been doing artwork for games for longer. The style I work in is a semi-realistic like style bordering on realistic. It's a stunning and beautiful style and works for all kinds things. I've completed well over 500 items in this style...
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    Adorable Frog Designs for SALE

    Check out these adorable these little froggies!!  Yes, they are for sale on a first come, first serve bases. You can use the design for anything you desire! The size you will receive is 483x389 They are $5.00 usd each, Paypal only or Digital Tip Jar if you want to pay via credit card! Want me...
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    ARPG assistance

    Wasn't fully sure where to put this since it's sorta like a game, but... different: Sorry for the weird coloration going on here, but copied this from the Discord since i'm too lazy to type it again :P   Any help or advice would be awesome! Okay, this is going to seem like a strange question...
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    Full Colored Critters for Sale

    Hello there guys, just wanted to let you all know that for this month of October, I'm making a critter a day! I currently have 8 critters here which have not been sold! They are all awesome and beautiful. I will be sure to give you the PSD file for them so you can color them and adjust the...
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    Critters for SALE!

    Hello there everyone! How you doing? I have these 5 cute critter sketches for sale! BUT THAT's Not All For $3 USD you can own the sketch which is in a 900x900 size as a PNG file OR For $20 USD I can finish the creature for you! From line to color, to shading, to best suit your game to the...
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    What dreams are you trying to pursue with art?

    Just a random question really to get something different to talk about. I know there are quite a few artists out there so I'm curious, when you started artwork, either as a hobby or career, what dreams are you aiming for? What goals do you want to reach? Do you want to inspire others or maybe...
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    Facebook // for Business

    No updates Hello there, I am Aminirus. I've used facebook for many years now and thus have learned many of its ins and outs when it comes to using one for business endeavors. Facebook and other social media are listed as some of the top sources of helping promote, market, and even inform your...
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    Selling Artwork Advice?

    Hello, so I was hoping for some ideas in this as I struggle here the most. As an artist who wants to make art their career, its hard to find ways to sell commissions, where to go, and what to do. I've tried numerous methods and sites, but seem to fall short. I'm actually extremely lucky if I get...
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    Creatures and Items Artist for Hire

    Hello there everyone, I know it's been awhile since I've been online here, but thought I would start by letting you all know that I do creatures and items in various styles for anyone who is interested. These items are created exclusively for your purposes so when done, you get them all and even...
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    Magikarp Jump!

    Just mainly out of curiosity, but does anyone else play this little treasure of a game? I saw a friend of mine making posts on it about a week ago and decided to check it out myself... rank 20 and a golden magikarp later... still playing it >.<  I don't know, there's something simple and...
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    Mary and The Witch's Flower

    Anyways, I saw a different trailer to this yesterday while I was watching some other shows with my fiance and so far, I think I'm actually excited for it. The animation is beautiful and now that Studio Ghibli is pretty much done (although Miyazaki keeps saying he'll quit every year and then does...
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    Facebook // for Business

    No updates Hello there, I am Aminirus. I've used facebook for many years now and thus have learned many of its ins and outs when it comes to using one for business endeavors. Facebook and other social media are listed as some of the top sources of helping promote, market, and even inform your...
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    Determining the Allowed Age Range for Your Game?

    So this is just a general question regarding a bit of my own game, Wild Howlz. I've sorta struggled as to where to put the allowed age range for the game. Of course I'm well aware that even when you set an age range, it doesn't always stop the younger from joining. Systems can always be tricked...
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    Some FREE Items

    Thought I would do some as well to continue the trend. Might add on some more later once I get more done. I know spring is coming to a close, the chick maybe a bit irelivent now, but thought it was still one of the cute ones for spring based items. These items can be used any way you see fit...
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    Have Cartoons Gone... Bad?

    Before I start this topic, I just want to let you know that I am 27 years old and grew up on the ORIGINAL versions of Tom and Jerry, Flinstones, Pokemon, Bug's Bunny, Tazz, Tweety and Sylvester, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Powerpuff Girls, and so on and so forth. When I attempt to watch today's...
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    Creatures, Environments, and More

    Hello, my name is Hayley but I often go by Aminirus.  So, looking to work for anyone part time. I'm best with creatures, environments, and assets/items. Check out any of the following links to see examples of artworks or just to stay up to date on what I'm working on and even see sneak...