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    Concept Game: Bouncy

    Bouncy is a relatively simple game with 3 walls, a paddle, and a ball. Each time the ball is hit by the player it will get progressively faster. However the speed of the ball will eventually hit a max ceiling that will border on Battletoads Orange Hard Difficulty. If you can survive that long...
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    Minor Artist Problems

    @Corsair: Maybe try to draw something small like a bat or a mouse? What about something like this to help out a bit?
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    Color Choice

    @Nova: I have the high-contrast option right now almost officially working on my local computer. It still has a few bugs that need ironning out.
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    How does one create virtual pet minigames?

    I received a lot of feedback through my suggestions feature on the old site that there is not a lot of things to do beside pet battling. Some suggested that maybe I add a couple of minigames to my virtual pet site. Others suggested that I might allow pets to befriend other pets. I am kind of a...
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    Color Choice

    @Hare: I think this might be pretty helpful. @Nova: That is something I am going to have to figure out. I now have accessibility to a 64 color pallete that has fifteen dark colors and 32 light colors. So that will give a bit more versatility. I am working on a new one of 125 pallete with 58...
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    Color Choice

    @Nova: The main problem is if I don't have it by default then the color blind people will not be see anything on the site at all. I am trying to plan for color blind people first and if a normal user would like to change it later than can as well. One of the big reasons I am not a fan of white...
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    Color Choice

    @Anoua: My big problem is how do I say take for example gray color aaaaaa and replace it with 0000ff? I am developing a color scheme that kind of obosoletes everything here. What is it does is css color: <%= getColorAtribute("Header") %> What this does is take the rubyfied version of...
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    Do people use item sinks?

    I heard of people using point sinks and point sources to balance the economy. However what should a pet site owner do if they have too many items in the economy? How does one get rid of the excess items? I heard mentioned that item sinks are important in getting rid of an overflow of items. How...
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    Color Choice

    @Digital: I don't know how to create a grayscale base. @Pepper-Head: I don't really have a content page available as I haven't applied these settings yet. I'd like to avoid grey on grey as I heard from some older people that they can't distinguish between two closely related gray colors. I...
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    Pet calculation

    I am working on a new pet formula. I am thinking of 1:4 ratio for atk,spd,def and a 1:26 ratio for hp. I like the atk,def,and spd values. The restriction is that only 2 fields can be the same and the other field needs to be either higher or lower than the others. My big problem is with finding...
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    Color Choice

    @Pepper-Head: Its for color blind users. I am starting with the most restrictive color patterns so I kind of leaned to throwing red as a difference otherwise the whole color scheme would have been mixes of just green, and cyan or blue.
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    Color Choice

    I built this new color pallete for my website using the Level 3 RGB pattern. The pallete I had to work with consist of only 27 color options of which there is only 5 dark colors and 12 light ones which are usual by users with color deficiencies. The two darks I used are first red(800000) and...
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    Do violent video games lead to behavior problems?

    @N_E_Wunn: What about violence on tv shows and news shows? Do these cause children to be more violent?
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    Unable to locate item on TGL

    When a guest tries to navigate to the blog page of a group they are presented with this screen: However when a normal user logs in they can see it perfectly well. I think its just a bug with TGL system when dealing with non logged in users. This happens for users who view blogs on a group...
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    Group Blogs

    I created a couple of blogs for my group but am uncertain if I did them correctly. Can anyone please check?
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    On break

    After 5 months of nonstop coding I have decided  that now is the time for me to stop coding as I am officially burned out from it. I will be on a two month hiatus from it as I spend some more quality time with drawing art, writing stories, and playing a couple of video games which I have been...
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    Using Mary Sue is a bad idea

    So during the building process of my website features I decided on using mary sue as a test user. When I used it only my private messaging outbox worked and my private message inbox system was completely broken. Every other feature worked just fine only that one didn't. So guys whatever you do...
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    New Group Duelingpets with new settings

    Well I just created my very first group. New updates to this group are Blogging, Private Messaging, Registration, and an improved stats page. I'd like a bit of advice as to how well I did with it. I tried to be as specific with economy as I could but I think I kind of went overboard. I don't...
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    Difficulty Mode for petsite

    I decided to try my hand at having a difficulty setting for my petsite. Easy difficulty the user starts off with x amount of points (200 maybe) Limited to y amount of players. Medium difficulty user starts with no points. Hard difficulty user starts with -3000 points in debt and has a 5000...
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    Bots attacked hosting site

    So I just recently found out that some malicious bot activity has been trying to compromise my hosting site. I am guessing the users behind the bots must be getting desperate since they can't get in through my three level authentication mechanism. So the question I have is should I pull down the...