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    Show off what you are working on

    Wonderful sketch there @Ouli! Beautiful portrait @Cadence! I love the positive message in the doodle, @Blaire!
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    Word Association

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    Word Association

    Reviving these, as these are fun and relatively easy to play! Significance
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    Do you like your handwriting?

    I for one absolutely hate my handwriting. It is usually scribbled and rough around the edges. I am curious if other  @Writer s and  @Artist s actually like their handwriting? Do you think your creative talents help improve your writing? Also, if any of you wish to share a sample of your...
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    What things scare you the most about developing your game projects?

    What things are on the top of your mind as fears when you sit down to work on your game projects? I think just everyone fears something during their development, but I am curious as to what specifically scares our intrepid  @Game Owner s!
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    What are the things you always take with you?

    So, when you leave the house, what do you usually bring with you? What can you not live without upon walking out the door at any time? For me, it is my sunglasses (cause I be blind in sunlight without them), wallet, and naturally - smartphone. Of course, I usually at least have one child with...
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    Finally! An Adoptable Update!

    So, it has been a while since I pushed anything new for our Adoptables, so here is the update. This mostly finishes the promise of a feature from several months ago (I know - I've been slacking). New "Go to your Adoptables" button on the codex! When you visit our codex, you will  (if logged...
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    Do you have a pet?

    Do you have a pet? If so, introduce them to us! Pictures are even better if you are willing to show off your best non-human friends!  :) (I will have to dig up a few pictures of our menagerie of four dogs)
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    What are your favorite 3 websites and why?

    What are the three sites you absolutely love to visit, and what about them has you coming back? For me, it is,, and obviously The first two for the news (but not too much news), some memes, and general cute animal pictures to make my...
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    What artists do you admire?

    So, as  @Artist 's, do you know any other artists that you admire for their style or creativity? What is it about their talent or personalities make you go "Wow, I admire this person!"
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    Feedback: Adoptables

    So, we have a pretty neat Adoptables system, but I would like to hear our members feedback on what you feel could make it better. The suggestions here (since we have not really asked for any in a while) will help devise a roadmap for future improvements, and your input is very much appreciated...
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    Feedback: Additions to Game List

    So, I wanted to reach out to our  @Game Owner group about what additions you feel you would like to see for your game listings?  Right now they feel pretty sparse and simple, and I would love your feedback on what additional details you feel would make your game listing page feel more...
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    What are you going to be this Halloween?

    So, what will you be this Halloween? Any amazing costumes, or creative ideas brewing? I myself don't usually dress up, however I have a storm trooper and a baby skeleton I will be taking and about.
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    Coming up with new characters, what is your process?

    Any other  @Artist want to weigh in with how they do their character design?
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    Show off what you are working on

    As always, I would love to see what our  @Writer and  @Artist are up to! Any new projects or works you are working on?
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    Are you an artist, writer, programmer, or game owner?

    To make the idea of Artist, Writers, Programmers, and Game Owners more prominent, and to alleviate some of the headache of me trying to move members into these groups (which I have been terribly neglecting), now all members can choose their groups freely. How this Works So to set your group...
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    Keeping with the popular

    So, I unfortunately have to apologize to the community. I made a decision earlier this week to transition from our current community platform to a new one. I thought it was good idea, however it became very clear I was wrong relatively early. For the time being, I have reverted back to this...
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    Halloween 2017 Community Contest!

    So, since we are close to Halloween, and well into Fall (for most of us anyway), let us get down, have fun, and create some wonderful pumpkins. You won't want to miss out on this wonderful contest, and all the fun that it includes:
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    Small board update, and upcoming contests!

    Just popping in (sorry I have been gone, battled a horrible bug that had me down for a few weeks [one in a hospital]) to let all know that today I updated the board. As always, if you notice bugs, please report them! Also, expect this next week to have several announcements regarding some...
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    Introducing Martyn!

    So, as some of you who came here from VPL may already know him, I have decided to bring @Martyn on board to assist me with the community, and see if together we, with the great support of you wonderful members can do even more to improve our community. For those just meeting him, @Martyn comes...