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    Word Association

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    Vote for winners in our Halloween 2017 contest!

    Voting is open until November 14th, so get your vote in. This year we only had two entries, so they will be competing for 1st and 2nd place respectively.
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    Word Association

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    Show off what you are working on

    I really love the style @Kesstryl!
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    Question about Pet Game Item Art Styles

    Two things, try and get hired and meet the needs of the request. Or, if you prefer to do pre-made, just try to do as many styles as you can, as you build and sell you can get an idea for what works for the most sell.
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    Word Association

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    Halloween Adoptable: Demikin

    Happy Halloween, now get your Demikin! As a tricky little treat, enjoy the release of the Demikin. Available now through November 1st only!   @Artist @Game Owner @Members @Programmer @Writer
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    Word Association

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    What did you use to build your project?

    This is a more generalized topic, but what did you base your project on when you started: Mysidia Adoptables Laravel Plain PHP Pet Site Framework Other (what did you use) I am curious to see what our  @Programmer used!
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    Word Association

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    New Adoptable: The Worm Cat!

    Just in time for harvest, when the pumpkin fields are ripe with nice big orange pumpkins... the Worm Cat's INVADE!! These adorable(?) little worm like creatures only come up during the harvest season. As such they will only be available in the Store until November 5th, after which they will be...
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    Word Association

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    Word Association

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    Word Association

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    Neopets featured in Rolling Stones article The article expresses a small subset of Neopet's effect on the culture of the late 90's, but still an interesting read. How many here picked up art or technical skills because of Neopets and what it...
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    New Reactions! Oh My!

    So, as some of you may know, you can usually choose a reaction at the bottom of a person's post. What you may not know, is these help that user know how you feel. Many also give positive reputation to that user, which helps them win our Leaderboard! Reacting to posts is something that everyone...
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    Word Association

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    The "Let's get to know each other" thread

    Hello fellow TGL'ites :)  . I am hoping this topic will catch on, and we can get to know all our members in more details. I know we do individual introduction threads for everyone, but these tend to be more "Welcome, glad you made it." type of affairs. What I want to know, is about all of you...
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    Life and death in virtual pet sites?

    Let's weigh in TGL'ites (I just came up with that one!)! How do you feel about life and death in virtual pet sites? Do you support a pet's death if they are old/neglected/etc? Do you support a site that the pets never die? Why do you feel either way? I am genuinely curious about everyone's...
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    What competitions or creative events have you tried out for?

    Just wondering how many of our  @Artist and  @Writer have ever tried out for any competitions or events with their skills? What was it about? How did you do? Was it fun? Would you do it again?