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    Novilar is a Virtual Pet RPG, where players follow their patron Guardian through a portal into a beautiful new virtual world. Choose your profession, go on adventures, and unlock the secrets of your new home alongside unique animal companions.  Novilar is currently in Open Beta, and...
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    [June 5th] What are you working on this week?

    New weekly thread to ask the important question, what are you working on this week? What successes are you going to achieve? What does your schedule look like? This week is mainly consisting of: Work, which is busy due to it being Fair Season (we usually see a huge increase in system...
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    What are you currently experiencing during your game's development?

    This question can be for a launched game, as well as those who are in development, but I wanted to reach out and ask what I think is a question that isn't asked very much, but very important to be asked, and that is: What are you currently experiencing right now in your game's...
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    What virtual pet games do you currently play?

    What virtual pet games do you currently play regularly? @Tmra @MasterDaye @dracula @treemasterx @Navy
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    Change a single letter and form a new word

    Word reuse :P Bunt 
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    I declare a PC vs. Console war.

    Soo, since this appears to be a fun topic  :P   PC or Console War, which is better and WHY do you feel it to be so?
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    Would you Rather?

    futbol (not that I watch either) First Person Shooter or Top Down Dungeon Crawler?
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    A Question for a Question!

    Will it lead to cavities?
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    Word Association

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    True or False

    True You have seen at least some part of Europe in person
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    Forum Adoptable Preview 6/2

    So, to start off, this will be a little more technical. When I created the Adoptables, I opted to go for a simplistic linear leveling system, using a single counter that just kept growing. I called this Power. It has worked wonderfully as a game system, but is confusing, and doesn't really fit...
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    A Question for a Question!

    Possibly, but is that a bad thing?
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    Word Association

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    True or False

    False You fear spiders
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    The TGL Storytime: Dave's Story

    ... both mesmerizing yet elusive as he ran towards it, trying to escape the sound that seemed to chasing him relentlessly, he made it to the stand of trees when ...
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    Would you Rather?

    Invisibility, I like to be left alone sometimes. Green jacket or purple jacket?
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    Word Association
