Recent content by Dinocanid

  1. D

    Wild Souls - Alpha Phase 1 now open!

    Thank you everyone for your patience. Registration is now open! Click here to go to the site. Some notes: - The game is in early alpha! Several features may be missing or incomplete - Battles and trading are not yet in the game, those are coming soon - Not many quests are available at the...
  2. D

    Wild Souls Alpha Phase 1 Coming Soon!

    Ok, I finally have some news! I have finalized what will be in Alpha Phase 1. It's a bit less than what's on the trello, but I decided to roll out updates for Phase 1 after opening since I figured that if I continued to hold out until everything was in there, it won't reach you guys for a very...
  3. D

    Cron won't add new rows (plus another new issue)

    I'm trying to add a cron that automatically creates a new show every 5 hours. After spending forever debugging, the cron no longer throws any errors when ran. However, it doesn't actually do anything.   $loop = $this->DB->query( "SELECT `event_types`.`id`...
  4. D

    Custom form field not working (PGF)

    I'm attempting to add a field into the breed creator in the admin panel where you can set a minimum and maximum height for that breed. However, it refuses to work, and the strange thing is that it did before. For a while it was working, and one day it stopped (and the code hadn't even been...
  5. D

    Twitter tags?

    I'm thinking about making a twitter for Wild Souls (and eventually Foodbabs later this year), but as someone who never uses twitter, I have no idea what tags are the best to use.
  6. D

    In need of a writer!

    I'm looking for a writer (paid or volunteer) that would be willing to write flavor text and questlines for my wolf sim Wild Souls. If you are interested, please PM me with examples and prices or DM me on Discord (Dinocanid #6171)
  7. D

    Common art styles

    I've found that most pet/sim sites have 3 styles: toony neopets style, semi-realistic (think lioden), and realistic. Virtual pets tend to almost always use neopets style art and look similar to one another, so that's in the highest demand, while sims tend to use more realistic styles. I agree...
  8. D

    New theme, stockpile, and pup art

    It's time for a new update, and I have quite a few things to show off today! -Site Theme- I designed a brand new theme for the site! The background tiles like it does because of my browser's screenshot extension. It's a single image on the actual site. I'm still in the process of drawing...
  9. D

    animation... help!

    I'm not at my computer to elaborate, but there's a step-by-step guide on the official krita documentation on how to animate with it: Once I get to my computer later I can edit a more "straight to the point" guide into this post.
  10. D

    Help with site theme?

    Just an update that I'm still looking for a layout design! I can also be contacted through Discord (Dinocanid#6171).
  11. D

    Help with site theme?

    That's fine! I'm just really thankful for the help ;-;
  12. D

    Help with site theme?

    Yeah, I'm mainly looking at more of the layout. For the colors I wanted to keep the dark look, but I'm open to suggestions for that too. Thanks for offering to help btw!
  13. D

    Help with site theme?

    I've been having trouble designing a nice looking layout for Wild Souls. The current one is okay, but not at all on-par with most similar sites:   I can handle the actual CSS part myself, it's just the overall design I'm having trouble with. It's not eye-catching enough and pretty bland...
  14. D

    Hunting System!

    (300 HP for the hare is temporary. It's normally 30 and dies in 1 hit...if you can catch it!) The base hunting system is now complete! While exploring it is possible to find prey. After clicking "chase" it shows the hunting screen. In this screen you have the 4 different moves (with room for...
  15. D

    What are the percentages of these?

    My brains not working as well as it should be at the moment, and I can't figure out the percentages these equal to:   if($survival <= 100 && $survival >= 60){$code;} //high HP elseif($survival < 60 && $survival >= 20){$code;} //medium HP elseif($survival < 20...