New profile posts

As I will be leaving TGL in the next few days, I ask anyone to contact me through any of these other methods:

There are personal reasons for my leaving as I no longer feel safe here as a creator. No, this doesn't effect my work with Eliyo and past game projects as I will still be open to being hired if desired. 

Thank you for understanding and sorry for leaving abruptly after returning

Why don’t you feel safe?

Anyone know how to change the header background on the profile pages? Apparently the option to do so isn't under "edit profile"...or is it just not an option for members and is a staff only special?

On your profile, you should see it immediately beside the "Edit Profile" button.  At least that's where I see it.  If that's not there I can look into it.View attachment 160

View attachment 161

No, all I have this is this so not sure if this just effects certain accounts or all member based accounts because I do notice a lot of accounts on here, non-staff do not have banners, but thought that maybe since I haven't been here for so long, it was just part of the change.

It looks like your role wasn't allowed to but the general one was ... this has been fixed.

Just to leave a quick update as I know I haven't been on here in quite some time, but I should be returning come February 2023. 

I am currently clearing out recent work, other than my own personal projects, which should only take till about the end of the month. I look forward to potential opportunities once more and I hope that when I return, my change in artworks (improvements) will be liked.

Thank you for sticking around this long and look forward to seeing you all in the future! 

Been super quiet here for a long time, but know that I've just been busy.

Still doing work for Eliyo and my personal projects, but at this time, not working on other games nor accepting game work for another while longer. 

I'll be back again soon. At least try to be

I really appreciate this site, and even after only one day after returning, I am already working with some awesome people on making their sites more magical. Keep it up TGL!
