Wonder Woman


New member
Anyone else interesting in seeing what they do with the new Wonder Woman movie that is due out soon?

I am curious to see if they are able to actually get some decent traction with the DC characters. It'd be nice to actually get an enjoyable Justice League movie that could even somewhat compete with say the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy.

Yeah, I would say I'm interested to see how it turns. I'll probably wait a little to see what people are saying about it before I make a final decision to go see it or not.

So far the reviews are giving it a great review, definitely will have to see if me and wife can escape the kids to go out and give it a watch soon now that it is out.

I went to see it in theaters - and apsolutely loved it. DC has finally pulled together a really stunning film, I'd recommend it to everyone. :)  

I didn't enjoy it. However, I wouldn't stop others from seeing it. I'm sure it's a good film but I had a hard time seeing past many vfx and acting flaws, which ruined if for me. I really really wanted to love this film.

However I haven't seen suicide squad, or batman versus superman. (Which I hear are complete duds) So I may have gone in with very high expectations given the hype surrounded by it. It may have been a great DC film, but I don't know if I would have considered a great film overall. 

That being said, Wonder Woman has been portrayed in different ways in comics, but I also wasn't fully impressed with how her backstory was portrayed. She is a powerful character, that leaves a very empowering impression when used right. 

I absolutely loved it - I struggled with the mixing of greek mythology and world war at first but once I got past that I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it.

I was able to get out and see it. It was great for a DC comics film, but it still felt a little lackluster. I liked how her character was portrayed, but I felt the movie didn't do her character justice. Also the whole thing with Ares, not being a comic geek was just confusing. It worked in the plot, but still really wasn't fitting for Wonder Woman's idea.

I wanted the invisible jet also btw. :P  (I know, wrong era)
