What's your least favourite thing to code?


Staff member
Every game site has those features that you as a developer absolutely hate implementing.  Even just thinking about working on it sometimes drains the life out of you.  What is that feature for you and why?

Form submission/validation/return. So tedious but necessary. After doing it for 14-15 years it feels painful.

Ugh yeah very true, at least Laravel makes it a /ton/ easier with the form requests.

For me, the thing that always drags me down is implementing forums - they are such boring code but can sometimes be overly complicated which sucks especially when looking to improve things, and make it work with things like quoting (with pseudo-references).

Ugh yeah very true, at least Laravel makes it a /ton/ easier with the form requests.

For me, the thing that always drags me down is implementing forums - they are such boring code but can sometimes be overly complicated which sucks especially when looking to improve things, and make it work with things like quoting (with pseudo-references).
Text manipulation and parsing is a pain, agreed.

Agreeing that form submission / validation  and forum are tedious.

Though the worst for me is CSS and layout compatibility/responsiveness... having to test out how it looks on all different devices, browsers, get t all perfectly balanced to any screen size and still look good.

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I am very particular with how a website works, so I feel the need to have a complete system to manage roles with permissions down to the nitty gritty such as sending messages, posting shouts, forum posts etc. While Laravel has spatie's laravel-permissions package to make it just a tiny bit easier, It's still a pain in the arse to manually define each and every permission, then assign them to roles, and all of that fun stuff.

But I'd also have to agree with form submission / validation.

Agreeing that form submission / validation  and forum are tedious.

Though the worst for me is CSS and layout compatibility/responsiveness... having to test out how it looks on all different devices, browsers, get t all perfectly balanced to any screen size and still look good.
/me shudders - yeah CSS and it's finickiness is not my favourite thing in the world.  Takes way too much time to get "right", and even that is subjective.  This is why I normally focus on the backend stuff :P

I am very particular with how a website works, so I feel the need to have a complete system to manage roles with permissions down to the nitty gritty such as sending messages, posting shouts, forum posts etc. While Laravel has spatie's laravel-permissions package to make it just a tiny bit easier, It's still a pain in the arse to manually define each and every permission, then assign them to roles, and all of that fun stuff.

But I'd also have to agree with form submission / validation.
@ShadowMage I have never heard of that package until now! Is it a lot more useful than just using straight gates/policies?

One word. REGEXP.
So much power ... but then so much ability to have one character screw it up entirely :P  https://rubular.com/ has helped me through the years of regex.

@judda The package adds the the ability to add permissions to roles and users themselves through a call to the user object such as $user->givePermissionTo('edit profile'); or, $user->assignRole('Premium'); Like other packages (I assume. Only used this and zizaco/entrust), all permissions are registered to laravel's gate so you can use the native $user->can('do this permission') function or the blade directive for it.

Here is the documentation for the package as well
