What's your favourite game?


Staff member
There are so many Pet Sites and Pet Sims out there! So many to choose from, which ones are yours favourites?

At the moment I check wolvden daily and thats about it.

Even then I'm not massively invested in the game, or really any others at the moment. I sometimes check FlightRising and Dappervolk, but only for a few minutes tops.

I'm still playing neopets...years & years later. ? I attempted with Dappervolk...it was extremely intriguing at first, but they've made everything so repetitive & mundane that I'm no longer active...I'll check their homepage once a few weeks to see if there have been any exciting updates, but other than that...

@oakhearted I've seen a bunch of things with Chicken Smoothie but never actually looked at it myself (other than navigating to it).  Is it just a forum (that's what my first impression was) or are there other things you can do on it?

Think I used to game-hop a lot (I do like how Dappervolk called us world-hoppers, but like said above, the game got very repetitive and time-consuming for me.) between a bunch of pet sites.

Leayph remains one of my favorites in art style and I like the events in Wolvden and Lioden, but I'm pretty much settled down in Flight Rising now~ ?

I would say out of the many sites I'm registered, my favorite is Flightrising. Second is Icepets, then third is Goatlings. Anything that's not FR I'm kinda cautious about getting attached to, because I've had a few favorite sites shut down. ?

Furry Paws, Lucky Lapine, Indomita, Lioden, Wolvden, and Horse Eden Eventing are my daily ones. I'm more interested in genetics then collecting

Lioden used to be my daily, but I took a large hiatus. Because of my ADHD I cannot be fully invested in a game for more than 2 months, if I am that means it really hooked me. I also play Wolvden sometimes. 
Tattered World occasionally, Dappervolk, Flight Rising, Chicken Smoothie, a LOT other games but most arent my daily. 
I'd have to say the one thats hooking me right now is Dappervolk. Weird how Dappervolk got me hooked as breeding is a large aspect of my favorite thing to do, because genetics are interesting and I like surprises! 

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