What was your first programming language?


Staff member
At work this week, I saw a phone book which then made me start a conversation about old technologies that we used.  The first actual programming language that I used was Visual Basic 6, made a few programs on there with my friends in high school, afterwards we did Java.

How about you?

@DaRule You use it still frequently? The closest that I get is VBScript in our lovely legacy applications.
Not super frequently, but we have a lot of Excel templates we maintain, so it has its use cases. I try to stay away from it as much as possible though when there is a better solution

Ah yea, VBA is always going to be there for lovely macros and stuff.  I completely agree with that one - it's a good language but not so much for full on development anymore.

A little late to reply, but I learned C# my first semester of college. That feels like so long ago... Also, of all the things I remember the most from it, a bubble sort is the one I can recall. ?

Oh my god, my first programming language was also Visual Basic :0

We had to create a program that allowed clients to order pizzas in an hypothetical pizza shop. No idea what number version it was, but I did this in College back in 2017/18.

It was great fun, if short. Unfortunately IT in our College was mostly boring general computer knowledge and theory...
