What virtual pet games do you currently play?

Oh man, that spotlighting though....

 Well... Since I've kind of lost my obsession with VP sites, my only regular go-to site is Novilar.

I should find other sites, but mehhh...

I think Lioden is the only game I play actively these days. But then, that's not really a 'pet game'.

I should clarify that I also kinda glomp SIM's into virtual pet games here (shame on me), where the other is the ownership of them. So what Virtual Pet Games or SIM games do you currently play?


After a two-year hiatus I've fallen back into spending most of my online time on Neopets. I still do minimal maintenance on accounts with Flight Rising, Felisfire, Gryffs, Furvilla, and Novilar. Once in a rare while I'll end up back on miscellaneous other sites, but those games don't have much to keep my interest enough anymore to really mention them right now. I currently have more friends on Neo than I do anywhere else  so that's why I spend more time there.

I'm honestly using Flight Rising mostly as a "safety deposit box" of sorts for pet site currency. I don't know anyone in the FR community. I just do what I can to gather money there since it seems like a safe and popular place to hold things until I fall in love with a site again that allows cross-site trading.

At the moment I'm not really playing anything active. I was on Novilar but it eats too much of my phone data at the moment so unfortunately I can't really play it. (Rae #8)

I bounce onto Flight Rising periodically to see what is new, and sometimes visit Marapets/Neopets if I'm in the mood for flash games. I also like to visit IcePets every few months to keep in the loop with what they're up to.

Other than that if I'm on the computer I'm usually working on my own site, so dont have much time to try others haha :)

flightrising, chickensmoothie, furvilla, and neopets for me.

I'm mostly active on flightrising and chickensmoothie though.

Oh man, that spotlighting though....

 Well... Since I've kind of lost my obsession with VP sites, my only regular go-to site is Novilar.

I should find other sites, but mehhh...
I LOVE the festival skins you do <333 Helps motivate me to explore and stock my shop so I can get the gold for it!

Otherwise I really only do my dailies on FR (~5mins, but I'm starting to get more into it), check Neopets' news page, and I'll pop in on Marapets and Novilar every few weeks just to see what kind of updates there are. I've had a little more time in the summer than I usually do to stick around on sites more though!

I tend to be a mono-gamer, so once something hooks me, I'll pay it almost daily for a really long time (which can be years, LOL).  I've been playing Flight Rising, Khimeros, and Ovipets for a few years, and I don't see myself stopping.  I do have peaks and valleys of interest with them, but I also check in on them daily.  I play Chicken Smoothie as well, but I usually only log in once a month to get my new month pets and see what turned out of my last month batch.

Kaylune, Atrocity, Clikrit, Mysgardia, Origins Tree (it doesn't have pets yet, but stills count right?) and ChickenSmoothie.

There are more but i can't remember.

I play Flight Rising mainly cause dragons and easier to manage.  I used to play Eqcetera a lot but V2 is finally nearing so I just stopped altogether and just check about it every so often while also checking out what's been going on in the community.

hello all.

i like this place a lot, i am not sure i am posting in the right place but just a try to introduce myself.


[SIZE=10pt]CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars[/SIZE]
