What marketing tools work


New member
What marketing tools have you used to market your game that actually proved useful? Successfully build hype on Facebook or twitter? Use other forms of social networks to get a lot of attention about your game?

I am curious to know what worked the best for you guys when starting to get users for your games: @runeowl @SugarFoxKym @Hare @Anoua @Pepper-Head 

I think it sorta depends on what you used or target the most. Like for me, the best locations for me to use social media as advertising would be facebook and deviantart because I have larger followings on there and thus can target more people. I have paid for ads before on some sites, which also helped, especially if I know ahead of time that they get a lot of "foot" traffic.

I havent done much marketing overall, but I have facebook accounts I post to, and a twitter and tumbl for Eliyo. Doesn't get a ton of traffic I don't think, but some. I also used to use VPL for that, game I signature and news post. Now I use this site some instead. But my focus right now is more on getting a better retention rate, as we have steady sign ups for both games, but people don't always stick. If we get to a point or not having sign ups I'd probaby focus on marketing more.

We've honestly never had much success with anything beyond word of mouth and people finding us through Google. We do have social media and have paid for ads in the past, but with mixed results. Our social media accounts, as well as email campaigns have worked very well to bring old players back, but as for finding new ones, I still haven't figured that out.
