What dreams are you trying to pursue with art?


Just a random question really to get something different to talk about. I know there are quite a few artists out there so I'm curious, when you started artwork, either as a hobby or career, what dreams are you aiming for? What goals do you want to reach?

Do you want to inspire others or maybe just want to create cool things... maybe you want to make a living off of it or someday own your own studio and teach others... or maybe you want to own your own gaming company or one day be able to create animations or games everyone knows!

As for me, the dream I aim for in art is to create games that not only challenge players and helps them learn things, but also inspire them to think outside the box and maybe create stories of their own. As a graphic novelist, my dream is to see my comic on the shelves and be able to sell them world wide, same with my adventure novel too. 

So, what's yours?

I'm trying to get into animation, both 2d and 3d. I'm trying to make a name for myself as an indie developer too. I haven't been doing a very good job, lol. I'm trying though, since it's what I want to do for a living.

I'm trying to not think too much about my future in art because I'm losing my eyesight. Just realized today I couldn't read a notice from the post office, something I could have read done a few weeks ago. XD

But it's nice to hear about what others are doing, glad that people have goals to work towards with their art. I hope that 2D animation will make a come back some day soon.

Awesome question, it's neat hearing everyone's plans, and different answers every time! As for me, I'm working towards being a visual development artist (character design, world building, etc.) and am aiming to work in some motion picture studios. Video game development isn't really my forte but somewhere like Pixar or Dreamworks would be amazing to me. I'm heading to my first networking convention in November (CTN Expo) in hopes of getting some portfolio reviews and maybe even a foot in the door, but it won't be as easy for me since I didn't have a school to guide me. 

Awesome @Dinocanid and I'm so sorry to hear about your eyesight @Hare.

@Bingo, that's sweet. I always wanted to the go the networking convention they hold every year in Ottawa, Canada, but I always run into 2 problems.. #1 is money, which I never have any of and it's a four day long event (I think) and thus could never afford a hotel room and #2 would be that if I wanted to split the cost, I would need some buddies...but being a bit of an introvert means I don't make friends well.

I will give you a tip though Bingo, those kinds of conventions love seeing your gesture drawings, they don't so much care about the fact that you can draw a character as they care about wanting to see the ability to capture a character's personality and movement. Anatomy is also big for them too. They love seeing that you take the time to learn it and understand how things function. It may seem pretty basic, but it's what I did learn from those who could attend the event in Canada.

I still want to go one day, but it takes money to spend money and right now, without a steady job, I have none :P  I think the Ottawa convention is held like around early August or September time, they like switching up the dates and moving it up each year it seems.

@Aminirus I totally get what you mean! I live on the east coast in the US and the convention is being held on the other side of the country on the west coast, so not only was hotel fees an issue but so was airfare. I will tell you the only way I was able to afford it at all was by saving the money I got in my income tax return from my day job and then every dime I've made from freelancing since April this year has gone straight to the con fund. I figured being a 110 lb female out on my own out there wasn't a great idea so I asked a friend if she would go with me if I paid for her share too, and her husband (animation student) asked if he could join us and he offered to pay his share of the hotel fees AND got us all free airfare miles. It's a huge blessing really and I really hope it becomes a turning point for me career-wise. 

Hotel fees seriously seem like the biggest money-grabber, I think for our six-night trip the hotel fees are nearly $1,000 alone, but we're also staying at a four-star hotel. Airbnb would have been much cheaper no doubt. Having friends to split with really helps, but I also know that there are tons of Facebook pages for popular cons where people get together to find hotel roomies to cut down on cost if that's ever something you might be willing to do.  I do hope you're able to go the Ottawa con at some point, even if you're just saving a bit a year and get to go later!

Ah yes you're absolutely right and thank you for the tip! I listened to a podcast the other day that recommended unfinished work such as sketches and step-by-steps in your portfolio instead of just finished pieces, it's something I personally tend to forget because I want everything to be perfect and finished, so I'll be incorporating those in my portfolio too!  

I have no idea how I started in art or what made me want to. When I was little I tried to draw horses, and since then I just sorta kept doing it. I reached a point somewhat recently (maybe half a year ago? a year? I dunno I'm almost 21 so I've been drawing for a kinda long time maybe? Maybe not? x') ) where I just became so frustrated with my art and just kept thinking "Why do I even draw??" or "What enjoyment do I get out of this?". Honestly, I still wonder sometimes if I am cut out for art. Writing this, I've realized that all my pieces have been devoid of inspiration, or just some "guts".

So I guess my goal is to just improve to where I'm happy with my style. x') I also need to work on drawing more dynamic poses, so that's a thing I need to work on as well. I've also always wanted to own+operate an adoptable site, so I guess that's what I'm working towards now. But I'm always worried that my art isn't good enough, so there's that. |D But maybe someday I'll be happy with where I get. haha

Funny you say that @Pear. I read this quote on FB (don't remember who it's by) but it basically said the things you ask yourself of if you are meant to do, then is what you are meant to do because you never question the things you don't want to do.

I feel you though. I've been getting the same frustrations lately and then I came across that quote a couple days ago and I guess I see things a little different because I'm right back at it. I was also watching this show that I finished recently about jobs in other countries (don't even remember what exactly it was) but I do remember something in the show that sorta stuck with and inspired me suddenly. Don't remember what the dialogue between the characters was, but I remember one of them was struggling with their job until they remembered something from a past mentor about 'breaking the rules' and 'thinking unconventionally' which basically means to take what you know or see all the time and do something with that isn't expected. Even if its something small, a small change, sometimes that can make a world of difference.

And lastly, as an artist, that is what we all think, even me. We are natural born perfectionists in art and thus our artwork will always feel incomplete or that there is something wrong. It's a natural feeling. As they say, an artist never finishes their artwork, they simply know when to stop.

@Aminirus - Ooh, those are some neat quotes. ^w^ (Both the FB one and the one from the show.) I think making a small change somewhere would really brighten up my artsy outlooks. I've never actually heard that saying, but I really like it. :3

That's some really good advice, and I really appreciate your response! :D  

A bit late to the party, but I definitely want to improve my art and tell stories. Current long term goal? Become a publisher.

Right now my immediate goal is find a way to get my digital artwork to reflect what I can do traditionally, as the divide between the two is unsettling for me. Long term I'd like to illustrate my own graphic novel. In the most broad sense my dream would be to look at my artwork and feel something other than "I could have done better." Not sure if that day will ever come, but I hope it does. I wish to be satisfied with my artwork, to develop a style I am consistent and comfortable with. I'd love to be able to support myself through my work, but I know this is extremely unlikely, so I'd settle for getting a commission order every now and then, haha.

Awesome @Elm. What kind of story? Graphic novel or like a normal written novel? XD

@KingofCrows Nope, it never will actually. I mean, yes, you will get to the point where digital and traditional are similar, but I'm actually better with digital now than I am traditionally... though I've usually sorta sucked coloring things traditionally from day one unless it's in colored pencil or watercolor, any other medium and I feel like I'm drawing with my feet. The no is towards thinking you'll ever stop feeling like you could do better. 20 years later and I still think it... "I could have done that better" ... "I should have spent more time on this part (even though it's been 12+ hours later)" and so on. Artists are perfectionists, we never ever perfect our artwork, we just learn when to finally yell at our brain to shut up and tell it that it's time to move on to something new. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure every artist out there would still nitpicking even their best work and trying to fix it till eternity has come and gone. 

I hear yah about commissions though. I'd love to make money off my work and I know I can do it too... problem for me is that when you're the only person in your family and home who has this dream and knows what they are doing... you get no support, no understanding, and a lot of blank stares like I just ripped my arm off in front of everyone. Not to mention the endless questions of why am I wasting my life and why can't you be like a normal person; get a job, settle down, and raise kids? I get it all. It's hard. There's no doubt about it, but if it's something you want, you have to go for it. After all, you only have one life to live. Why waste it doing something you hate?
