

Senior Member
Leporidae.org, after being worked on for 5+ years (still going), now has a sister site named Warrenz.net. 

Warrenz is similar to Leporidae in some ways, but features wild rabbits and has more of an animated RPG style. 

Current features include breeding (with a color genetics system), a fighting system, and foraging for food. 

The site is open to the public, but still very new and we're still adding things. =D

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Checked it out, seems cute so far. Was easily able to get my first and second rabbit and forage and such. Art is really cute too.

Could use some styling updates, the green forage text is hard to see against the grassland is a main one. But overall feels pretty basic so far. Just a see of tan and brown.

One thing that would be good is using labels for the checkbox input text. That will then make the checkbox selectable by clicking on the text itself, which would just make things easier. The specific areas I am noticing is on sign up, and the notifications. The notification text itself would benefit from being selectable and also the select all text for it's button. It's also better for screen readers as well. 

So you know the label can wrap around the input, <label>label text<input></label> OR it doesn't need to but then you need to add the for attribute which corresponds to the input id. <label for='input'>label text</label><input id='input'>

Just letting you know in case you didn't already, but otherwise might be helpful for the lurkers. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this one!

Checked it out, seems cute so far. Was easily able to get my first and second rabbit and forage and such. Art is really cute too.

Could use some styling updates, the green forage text is hard to see against the grassland is a main one. But overall feels pretty basic so far. Just a see of tan and brown.

One thing that would be good is using labels for the checkbox input text. That will then make the checkbox selectable by clicking on the text itself, which would just make things easier. The specific areas I am noticing is on sign up, and the notifications. The notification text itself would benefit from being selectable and also the select all text for it's button. It's also better for screen readers as well. 

So you know the label can wrap around the input, <label>label text<input></label> OR it doesn't need to but then you need to add the for attribute which corresponds to the input id. <label for='input'>label text</label><input id='input'>

Just letting you know in case you didn't already, but otherwise might be helpful for the lurkers. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this one!
Thank you for the feedback! We plan to add darker backgrounds to text in a few areas, add the labels now that you mention it.

btw, I've always liked Eliyo's layout. Good design techniques. 

@Hare That'll help for sure. Yeah labels are a personal pet peeve of mine since I use them a lot when they are setup. And such a simple thing to help for screen readers too. Overall though it is a pretty neat game so far. Don't really have time to play much for long, but I will be checking back again for sure.


I've started implementing labels whenever I'm in working on something with them, they'll get done eventually. What an improvement! 

I also took your advise on the layout, looks much better with some green. Also, added a level progress bar. 
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There's a new badge system now that you can get nifty rewards from by accomlishing various things around the site.
View attachment 3040

We also added various different ear nicks your rabbits can get from fighting, which can be healed with aloe vera or kept for aesthetic. Level progress bars were added to rabbits, too. 
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You can now get rabbits with white markings and/or blue eyes. 

Additional stuff:
Suggestions and bug topics have priority labels that you can set.
You can sell items you found from foraging or sell rabbits to other players.
Added a rabbit search feature that also serves as a place to find rabbits for sale.
There's a Discord server now: https://discordapp.com/invite/4aVnxBu


Two more poses were added recently. The Dutch pattern was also added, and broken pattern is coming up next!





Glad to here you're loking what you see so far! Here are a few more recent updates. 

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Gradient Colors
These can now be found in some rare instances of colorful rabbits.

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Realtime Chat
Warrenz now has an active Discord chat that can be accessed any time on the site.





Wild Color
This new color bridges the gap between realism and fantasy, providing a lot of fun and creative variation to all rabbit poses!


Eye Colors (and many other colors)
Any color is possible now including eye colors (even heterochromia in rare cases). Combine colors with wild to see some wild-looking variations!



Spirit Markings
Near a special area called the Spirit tree, you can find rabbits with unique glowing markings. You can also give these markings to any rabbit by fighting the spirit predators in the area (can be removed later if needed).

Other New Features:
Character Contest - This now runs once a week with huge payouts for category winners. The top winner is featured in the news each week.
Random Daily Bonus - Once you reach a certain level, you can get a daily rabbit bonus and daily account bonus, being rewarded with stats, exp, and pts.
Overcrowded Burrows - This is an extension of the Forsaken Burrows (where unwanted rabbits are sent) that has much lower prices.
Seekers - A place where other warrens may request specific types of rsabbits. Fill their requests to earn pts.
Auction Hollows - Where you can auction off your rabbits or place bids on others.
Snowflakes - Items that can change the hidden values that control your rabbits' color and pattern (separate from genes and alleles).

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April Updates
- All rabbit artwork has received a bit of an upgrade (an extra layer of shading).
- Chimerism has been added. One side of a rabbit with chimerism will have completely different genetics from the other side (any combination is possible).
- Rabbits can now be sorted into separate tunnels within their warrens. 
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements.
- The very first holiday event is currently underway for the month of April! There's a special April exclussive area where you can collect eggs that may contain valuable items.

Thank you, Digital. Warrenz has been getting tons of updates! 

Here's some updates since my last post:

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New layout by CarrotCube! The site is looking flashier than ever, and is easier to navigate. 

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The first mythical creature. You can get these during the June event!


Palm tree bunnies. These are also for the June event.

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Shop searching! This is a basic feature to go along with the player shops.

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NPC shops and restocking. This is a basic feature that allows you to snag items. Sometimes they have sales. 

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Crystal Cave previewer. Allows you to preview your rabbits with various color alterating/transforming items applied.


DIchromatic eyes. These are a rare mutation.


New Spirit variations. The spirit markings now come in more variations than before.


New pose. This fluffbutt was added as a standard pose.


Preview Specs. These are a credit item that allows you to view the rabbits in explore before clicking.

More updates!

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A new creature has descended from the heavens and can be found during the month of August (though you can also get them year-round). 

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Sort notifications by category. This allows you to easily delete any notifications of a certain type that you don't want to see, or locate something you're looking for. It also works with the money earned and spent feature that tracks all of your in-game income. 

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English spotting can now be found either with realistic expression or as a fantasy marking that combines with other colors.

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New pose! This scratchy-eared bunny is a new addition to the more realistic poses.

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Mushrooms are a new item type that can enhance litters when breeding. Each mushroom has its own unique effect such as increasing the litter by 1 kit, 2 kits, 3 kits, making a whole litter male or female, forcing the pose of a specific parent, allowing skills to be inherited, increased aptitude stats in offspring, increased chances of chimerism or other rarities, inherited personality, copied hidden moidfiers or genotype, and more.

More updates:
- You can now expand your den size.
- Profiles now have a custom section that you can edit with your own text.
- A new set of badges for sending rabbits to the Seekers. 
- Cores, new items that can cause rare expressions of a color.
- Rabbit treasures. Your rabbits can now hold items for aesthetic purposes. 
- Night mode layout for those who like a darker theme.

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Updates since August 1st.
We're still moving right along, and in this first year, have made lots of progress between August and October. Here's some of the bigger updates since the last post on this thread.

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New Palms - A lot of poses now come in the Palms color.

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New Jays - Many poses also now come in Jay.
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Skunks! - We now have skunk-colored rabbits.

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Referal System - A referal system has been added and can give you tons of rewards in the form of giftboxes! Open them up and see what kind of rare items you get.

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Navigation Updates - The Explore page has been made simpler and easier to navigate, and we added a Plaza for easy access to additional features. 

View attachment 4070

Quizzes! - We now have some fun quizzes you can do, if you're so inclined! There's three categories: general rabbit trivia, Warrenz-related questions, and rabbit genetics questions. Each has 3 different difficulty ranks. 

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Player Leaderboards - For those who like competition, there's a new set of player leaderboards. No prizes, this is only for the honors.

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New Predator - There's a new predator on Warrenz, but this creature is unlike any other. It's a predatory rabbit you can add to your warren—if you can defeat one in battle. They will be around durring September (each year).

Smaller updates include:
- Faster loading images
- Increased space for rabbits
- A locking system
- Many more little things!

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Wow, the art style on this game is incredible, especially those mythical characters!! Great job, I'm excited to play this 

Updates Since September 27th
Warrenz went through a major update recently. We added a new layer of versatility to the layering system with a marking editor. You can add, remove, and change the color or variation of markings on your bunnies. They also get passed down geneticslly. 

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There has also been a few new poses added.

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Other updates include:
- New markings and marking stones to add them with:

- New snowflakes for randomizing markings:

- New cores for editing pre-existing markings:

- Moving rabbits into burrows made easier. 
- The Specs Pass item, which lets you preview unlimited explore rabbits for a month. 
- New herbs:

- Ability to increase den space in bulk. 

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@Hare Love this latest update! I am a huge fan of rabbits - they are one of the few animals that don't trigger my allergies. 

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Oh my gosh! This new pose is the best! You have a new fan :D  Heading over to sign up!
