Wajas: You're invited!


Coming soon to a Youtube near you! February 26th we will be hosting our first official game night. It's been a long week of prepping it, and it's finally ready to roll. So join us for LOADS of chatting, Q&A, and games! Starting somewhere between 7 PM and 8 PM EST time. (Giving myself some leeway in case going live acts up again, haha.) It will last two or so hours, so feel free to pop in whenever! **In the future, I do hope to make this more of a "game day" where I pop on multiple times through the day to hit as many timezones with games and chatting, rather than a game night, however, I have to do different rounds of games for each live and did not want to bite off more than I could chew for the first official go at it.** Disclaimer: That said, it is our first game night (not counting the test), there's bound to be blips, we're going to try our hardest to ensure it doesn't take away from the experience, but be aware there will probably be i

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