Wajas: You get a Roo and you get a Roo!


Have you heard, there's a rumor in Lunaria, have you heard what they're saying on the street? Although they said just 1 Rooster per account, the glorious lover of Chickens Term intends to go to bat for us and change that number to 2 per account! Check back to tomorrow morning to see if that rebel Term was successful! PS. CodeDerg has implemented a way to kick out Wajas from the shop if they've been in there for too long (3 rotations), no more clogged shop! PSS. (feels like I am in middle school with these PS things) Please make sure you've read the Breeding Contest rules and guidelines of you are partaking in that and also please watch THIS video. Bluee has been awesome to help me out over the last few days as I deal with personal and dog problems, but I've noticed she's getting a LOT of questions that are answered with just a bit of attention to the information provided. So please before asking any questions, make sure you've checked out things, she's also View the full article
