Wajas: What's that Music Video? (Flash Game)


Hello, Terminal Nostalgia here! I'm going to be stepping down from staff this weekend so thought it would be fun to run a minigame I used to do years ago one last time before handing over the news microphone to someone else! Rules: -The first person to identify a music video by the song and artist's name in the comments wins 1CWP from account 12 -You can only win one prize per person. If you recognise more than one of the music videos, feel free to comment saying so but please don't give away the answer/give clues to more than one total. -The only exception is if someone beats you to identifying a music video and you know a second that hasn't been guessed correctly yet. -Please don't enter on more than one account (we can tell!) -The image will be sparodically updated with big ol' Xs across screenshots that have already been identified -If any are left over by this time tomorrow, I will submit a follow up news post giving a fresh screenshot and a clue for the music videos left. View the full article
