Wajas: We forgot some exciting things!


Staff promotions Staff hunt reminder + notes on changes Raffle winners for site sub breed raffle Forum area for forum  Trick or Treat  renamed ToC For this News Post! :) Staff Promotions + Addition: At the end of last month, some of our wonderful staff got promoted to the "Full Moderator" status!  A huge round of congratulations to: Rizira Jettalli Fatal (artist/full mod combo) In addition to this round of promotions, an old staff member is rejoining the team.  A big welcome back to: Aero (web designer) Feel free to post below congratulating/welcoming back! Staff Hunt Reminder: So you want to be a Mod  .♥.  So you want to be an Artist Tossing a quick reminder that we are still on the hunt for more Forum Moderators and Artists.  For more information on this, you can read the full post here .  It is my recommendation you read the "So you want to be a mod" if View the full article
