Wajas: Wajas Merch


Hey Everyone! I have a small update for my Etsy today if any of you might be interested There's two really nice Impkins that were just posted: [site-image id="72"] [site-image id="73"] There's also some new Hoots! For all of you crazy Hoot peeps *coughSadicough* These guys arent keychains but they do have some fun hats! [site-image id="74"] I am also ALMOST done with 2 new, large Wajas dolls. I hope to have them finished this weekend, including their Library pages and photoshoot. Keep your eyes out on those if you're interested in the dolls. They take a considerable amount of time to make compared to the polymer stuff so they arent as readily available. @___@ Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! Hoping the sun will show itself tomorrow at the very least? So I can kick my kids outside! Go go gremlins! Much love guys, ~ Zestu View the full article
