Wajas: Wajas Art Doll


Hey All! Im slowly getting back into making my Wajas Dolls. This is my first for this year! I have a custom doll I started and a promo that I gotta complete then I can start larger batches :) Wajas Doll #039 - ~ - Etsy Link Here This is a large doll, he's super soft and has some nice gray colors. I love how his face turned out too! If you're interested he is currently available in my Etsy store. Wajas Dolls Size Comparisons & Dimensions I also want to thank those of you who made it to our game night last night! It was a lot of fun and we got to share all kinds of stories. I really enjoyed being a co-host (Sorry Sadi haha). I hope that more of you can join us on the next one! ~ Estuko

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